Irrigation Gravity Pipe (WCORP-292)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of a Irrigation Gravity Pipe. A pipe is a vessel that is used to carry drainage from one location to another. The... -
Water Storage Complex (WCORP-298)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of water storage facility -
Irrigation Dams (WCORP-294)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of a facility for holding water and the supplying of water to land by man-made means to aid in growing crops. -
Irrigation Open Channel (WCORP-293)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of an Open Irrigation Channel. An open drain is a water course or other natural channel, used or intended to be used for... -
Sewer Pump Station (WCORP-295)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of a Sewer Pump Station. A pumping station is a facility used to force sewerage along a section of the sewer network. -
DWER Restricted Licence Agreement
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation restricted data licensing agreement for the use of digital information acquired from Data WA. -
Drain Inlet (WCORP-290)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of a Drain Inlet. An inlet is a pipe where flow enters the drainage network. This is a Local Authority inlet &... -
Drain Manhole (WCORP-291)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of a structure constructed to allow access to the drainage system. -
Community Aerodrome Locations (DOT-039)
Community airport or aerodrome locations depicting the Regional Airports Development Scheme funded by the Department of Transport, Western Australia. The sites include... -
Sewer Treatment Pond (WCORP-297)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of settlement ponds for treated wastewater from a sewer treatment plant -
Drainage Sump
This layer shows location of drainage sumps within the Metropolitan Region and is provided for information only. A Sump is defined as a retaining wall placed at the inlet or... -
Sewer Treatment Plant (WCORP-296)
The Water Corporation layer is a spatial representation of a facility used for cleaning raw sewerage -
FuelWatch Historic Terminal Gate Prices
This dataset contains daily terminal gate prices (TGP) provided to FuelWatch since 2002. TGP arrangements require each terminal operator to notify the Commissioner, via... -
Standing dead tree and down woody debris attributes from the Eucalyptus...
Datasets of standing dead tree and down woody debris attributes from the multi-century Eucalyptus salubris (gimlet) time since fire chronosequence in the Great Western... -
Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan (DCNHMP) - Heritage Values
The Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan (DCNHMP) - Heritage Values dataset describes areas known to contain geological and palaeontological features relevant to The... -
WebEOC Traffic Signal Outage
This dataset contains the most recent traffic signal outage information used in the Main Roads Travel Map (https://travelmap.mainroads.wa.gov.au/Home/Map) -
Pilbara Corridors Wetland Survey
Surveys of wetland and fringing flora and aquatic invertebrates to provide analyses of biodiversity patterning to Rangelands NRM Pilbara Corridors Project. Note: to access the... -
Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan (DCNHMP) Geological Units
The DCNHMP Geological Units represents surface exposures of geological units located within the DCNHMP Project Boundary. The primary purpose of this dataset is to describe areas... -
Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan (DCNHMP) Project Boundary
The Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan (DCNHMP) Project Boundary defines the area covered by the DCNHMP (2025) project. The DCNHMP focuses on the protection and... -
NCMT Forecast Remaining Capacity 2033 (WP-063)
Forecast remaining capacity of Western Power substations for the specified forecast year. Displayed as a coloured polygon where, the shape of the polygon represents the supply...