Soil landscape land quality - Subsurface Acidification Risk (DPIRD-011)
Subsurface Acidification risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management... -
Historic - Number 3 Rabbit Proof Fence (DPIRD-048)
Indicative historic location of Number 3 rabbit proof fence of WA based on interpretation of available data. Captured from existing fence data, vacant crown land parcels and... -
Land Capability - Annual Horticulture (DPIRD-030)
Land capability for annual horticulture in the south west of Western Australia based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape mapping dataset... -
Construction and Demolition Waste 2014-15
The construction and demolition waste (C&D) data represents total waste produced per year by ABS statistical area 2 (SA2) boundaries. The figures represent the total C&D... -
Fisheries Guide - CEO Notices and Determinations (DPIRD-060)
This data set contains the current CEO Notices and Determinations (CEO) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish /... -
Approximate fibre location information sources
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development worked with the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer to conduct an audit of Western Australia's... -
Western Australia Regional Building Approvals
The data set provides a summary of regional Western Australia dwelling approvals by Regional Development Commission boundaries. -
Historic - Number 1 Rabbit Proof Fence (DPIRD-046)
Indicative historic location of Number 1 rabbit proof fence of WA based on interpretation of available data. Captured from existing fence data, vacant crown land parcels and... -
Soil landscape land quality - Ease of Excavation (DPIRD-044)
Ease of excavation is a land quality which may impact upon rural-residential development and related land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best available... -
Soil landscape land quality - Physical Crop Rooting Depth (DPIRD-040)
Physical crop rooting depth is a land quality which may impact upon a variety of agricultural land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-... -
Historic - Number 2 Rabbit Proof Fence (DPIRD-047)
Indicative historic location of Number 2 rabbit proof fence of WA based on interpretation of available data. Captured from existing fence data, vacant crown land parcels and... -
Fisheries Guide - Consolidated Notices and Orders (DPIRD-061)
This data set contains the current Consolidated Notices and Orders (CNO) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish... -
European House Borer - Restricted Movement Zones (DPIRD-052)
European house borer (EHB), Hylotrupes bajulus Linnaeus, is a destructive pest of seasoned coniferous timber including pine, fir and spruce. If allowed to become established it... -
Avocado Residue
Avocado residue production data is based on the avocado production, from the 2015-16 statistical area 2 (SA2) level, an Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) that is... -
Recognised Biosecurity Groups (DPIRD-081)
Recognised Biosecurity Group (RBG) areas in Western Australia. RBGs are community based groups formally recognised under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM... -
Soil landscape land quality - Water Repellence Risk (DPIRD-014)
Water Repellence risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report... -
Fisheries Guide - Licence Conditions (DPIRD-050)
This data set contains the current Licence Condition (LC) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish / fishery /... -
Seaweed Wrack
Seaweed wrack is collected from marinas and canals around the identified towns primarily in Autumn and Spring. Tonnages are indicative and conservative. -
Soil landscape land quality - Site Drainage Potential (DPIRD-043)
Site drainage potential is a land quality which may impact upon rural-residential development and related land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best... -
Dominant soil groups - Second highest probability (DPIRD-079)
Soils mapped in raster format with 90-m pixels. The soil classes are Western Australian Soil Groups. The soil type rasters were derived from the conventional soil landscape...