NCMT Forecast Remaining Capacity 2032 (WP-062)
Forecast remaining capacity of Western Power substations for the specified forecast year. Displayed as a coloured polygon where, the shape of the polygon represents the supply... -
NCMT Forecast Remaining Capacity 2034 (WP-064)
Forecast remaining capacity of Western Power substations for the specified forecast year. Displayed as a coloured polygon where, the shape of the polygon represents the supply... -
This data was sourced from a survey of the quadrat based flora and vegetation of the Darling Scarp carried out in 1997. Reference Markey, A. (1997) A floristic survey of the... -
Kimberley Mound Springs Aquatic Invertebrates
Results of sampling aquatic invertebrates occurring in organic mound springs of the Kimberley Region. These were sampled between 1993 (Stuart Halse Victoria Bonaparte Study... -
Avon River Pools Invertebrate Surveys
A series of surveys of aquatic invertebgrates and water chemistry of pools on the Avon and Dale rivers to determine conservation significance and assess whether they constitute... -
NCMT Forecast Remaining Capacity 2031 (WP-061)
Forecast remaining capacity of Western Power substations for the specified forecast year. Displayed as a coloured polygon where, the shape of the polygon represents the supply... -
Bird survey data from the Eucalyptus salubris chronosequence 2013
Dataset of bird survey results at the multi-century Eucalyptus salubris (gimlet) chronosequence in the Great Western Woodlands, south-western Australia. This data has been used... -
Carnarvon Basin Survey - wetlands
The wetlands component of the Carnarvon Basin Survey (1994-1995) Note: to access the data, select the data source link located on the right-hand side. -
Southwest waterfowl counts 1988-1992
Waterfowl counts undertaken across south-western Australia to understand populations for waterbird hunting seasons between 1988 and 1992. Note: to access the data, select the...