Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Swan Coastal Plain (DWER-055)
Map of the risk of Acid Sulfate Soil (ASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of ASS materials occurring within soil profiles. This... -
Pre-European Vegetation (DPIRD-006)
The pre-European vegetation mapping of Western Australia dataset is an output of a joint project. It maps original natural vegetation presumed to have existed prior to European... -
Geomorphic Wetlands, Swan Coastal Plain (DBCA-019)
The Geomorphic Wetlands dataset describes the wetlands of the Swan Coastal Plain representing two main aspects, physical classification and environmental evaluation. The data... -
Localities (LGATE-234)
Locality Boundaries for the State of Western Australia. Generally, Post Code boundaries coincide with the Locality boundaries. Derived from the Spatial Cadastral Database... -
WA Now Mosaic (LGATE-320)
This base layer imagery is a whole of state layer configured as a flattened and seamless single service. The primary consideration in determining the hierarchy of the mosaics... -
Roads (Simplified) (LGATE-195)
This road centreline dataset is heavily modified and derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB) and excludes proposed roads.... -
Contaminated Sites Database (DWER-059)
The Contaminated Sites Database holds information on confirmed contaminated sites (those classified ‘contaminated-remediation required’, ‘contaminated - restricted use’ and... -
Clearing Regulations - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (DWER-046)
Environmentally Sensitive Areas as declared in Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005, Government Gazette No. 55. This dataset is provided to... -
Pastoral Stations (DPLH-083)
Pastoral leases are leases over Crown land which gives the lessee the right to graze authorised livestock on the natural vegetation. https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/information-and-... -
Threatened and Priority Flora (DBCA-036)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened flora protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority flora that require further survey. Data is... -
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001)
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The... -
Threatened and Priority Fauna (DBCA-037)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened fauna protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority fauna that require further survey. Data is... -
Hydrography, Linear (Hierarchy) (DWER-031)
Major streamlines of WA, coded with a hierarchy and are named. The dataset includes many streams in addition to the detailed Hydrography in areas where its data is limited (eg.... -
Vegetation Complexes - Swan Coastal Plain (DBCA-046)
Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) - Vegetation Complexes - SCP250k The dataset shows pre-1750 distribution of vegetation complexes characteristic of various combinations... -
Water Pipe (WCORP-002)
This dataset contains Centrelines only for all the Trunk, Distribution & Reticulation Water Mains in all the locations where the Water Corporation is licensed to provide... -
Public Drinking Water Source Areas (DWER-033)
Public drinking water source areas (PDWSAs) are surface water catchments and groundwater areas that provide drinking water to cities, towns and communities throughout the state.... -
Cadastre (No Attributes) (LGATE-001)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. The dataset covers the State of Western Australia... -
Operating Mines
MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based enquiry system for textual information on mine, deposits, prospects, etc., and related infrastructure. The Operating Mine Map... -
Geodetic Survey Marks (Point) (LGATE-076)
Contains horizontal and vertical coordinates and selected attributes of Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). This dataset is complemented by LGATE-199 which... -
Locate Mosaic (LGATE-322)
This public base layer imagery is a whole of State layer configured as a flattened and seamless single service. It can be used as a background in conjunction with other data...