WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - Project 1.2.2 - Key biological indices required...
The main components of the project were: - Determine distribution, abundance, seasonality, and the duration and peak of nesting season for Kimberley sea turtles - Collect... -
Coastline Movements - Vegetation Lines (DOT-023)
Spatial representation of coastline movements data for the Department of Transport (DoT) (WA). The Polyline feature class contains line work that represent the position of the... -
Local Planning Scheme - R Codes (DPLH-070)
Local governments are responsible for planning their local communities by ensuring appropriate planning controls exist for land use and development. They do this by preparing... -
Local Planning Scheme - Scheme Boundary (DPLH-069)
Local governments are responsible for planning their local communities by ensuring appropriate planning controls exist for land use and development. They do this by preparing... -
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - Project 1.1.2 - Key ecological processes in...
Identify the timing of coral and fish replenishment (recruitment of young) in the Kimberley. Determine the significance and impact of algal and seagrass eating species... -
Christmas Island Crazy Ant Grid
The Crazy Ants shapefile was built from National Parks’ working database file as at December 2001. This data contains observation data made by Parks employees during their... -
Monitoring of Humpback Whales in the Pender Bay, Kimberley region, Western...
Four years of independent and shore-based humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) surveys in the remote Kimberley region were collected. Systematic shore-based surveys were... -
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - 1.3.2 - Climate Change Reef Calcification
The overall objectives of this project are to understand how corals, the key ecosystem engineers on tropical reefs, have adapted and will respond in the future to the extreme... -
WebEOC Roadworks
Programmed roadworks data is provided with the following information: •Date started •Estimated completion date •Work type •Description •Suburb •Road •Traffic Impact Note that... -
WAMSI Node 4.4.1 - Assessment and monitoring for bycatch composition and abundance
Through reviewing available fisheries data sets, reports, logbooks and CAES (Catch And Effort Statistics) 3836 bycatch records were identified and are available as a comma-... -
Swan Canning Riverpark Built Foreshores 2022 (DBCA-065)
This data set was derived from the Riverbank dataset, which aims to identify those foreshore areas most in need of works. Riverbank dataset assesses Built Foreshores, Natural... -
Swan Canning Riparian Ecology Foreshores 2019 (DBCA-066)
This data set was derived from the Riverbank dataset, which aims to identify those foreshore areas most in need of works. Riverbank dataset assesses Built Foreshores, Natural... -
Iron Staining Risk (DWER-032)
The iron Staining Risk theme is divided into two categories: 1) High risk 2) Low risk High Risk: The iron staining classification represents areas delineated as having an... -
Underground Power Project Areas (WP-047)
Western Power is continually renewing and upgrading the distribution overhead network when assets are coming to the end of their service life. Traditionally, the work involves... -
Underground Power Project Zones (WP-048)
Western Power is continually renewing and upgrading the distribution overhead network when assets are coming to the end of their service life. Traditionally, the work involves... -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 7.3 - Effects of Dredging Related...
Data will be in the form of a report, which will be a secured (printable, non-editable), searchable, Portable Document Format (PDF) showing the results of the experiments.... -
Swan Canning Foreshore Useability 2020 (DBCA-068)
This data set was derived from the Riverbank dataset, which aims to identify those foreshore areas most in need of works. Riverbank dataset assesses Built Foreshores, Natural... -
Pre-European Vegetation (DPIRD-006)
The pre-European vegetation mapping of Western Australia dataset is an output of a joint project. It maps original natural vegetation presumed to have existed prior to European... -
GSWA Geochemistry (DMIRS-047)
The WACHEM database is a compilation of multi-element geochemistry of rocks unconsolidated surface material (regolith) and drill core collected by the Geological Survey of... -
Testing sandbox for AusCop subset. © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions...