Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-217)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. It represents all crown land (land owned by the State) and... -
Historical Cadastre 2023 (Polygon) (LGATE-476)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Threatened Ecological Communities (DBCA-038)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened ecologically communities protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority ecological communities... -
Historical Cadastre 2022 (Polygon) (LGATE-475)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a historic digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown... -
Land Tenure (LGATE-226)
SUBJECT TO STRICT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE MEASURES . This dataset contains information about the ownership and vesting of freehold and Crown land in Western Australia. This layer... -
Threatened and Priority Flora (DBCA-036)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened flora protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority flora that require further survey. Data is... -
Pastoral Stations (DPLH-083)
Pastoral leases are leases over Crown land which gives the lessee the right to graze authorised livestock on the natural vegetation. https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/information-and-... -
Threatened and Priority Fauna (DBCA-037)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened fauna protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority fauna that require further survey. Data is... -
Reserves (LGATE-227)
This dataset is a digital representation of lands set aside as Crown Reserve within the State of Western Australia. The SLIP Crown Reserve dataset contains current Crown... -
Distribution Overhead Powerlines (WP-031)
This data set describes approximate overhead power line routes associated with Western Power's Distribution network. © Western Power 2017 WARNING: This data should be considered... -
Bush Forever Areas 2000 (DPLH-019)
The Bush Forever layer has been developed to show spatially the Bush Forever Policy which provides a policy and implementation framework that will ensure bushland protection and... -
Heritage Council WA - State Register (DPLH-006)
The State Register of Heritage Places recognises a place's value and importance to Western Australia. It includes buildings, structures, gardens, cemeteries, landscapes and... -
Roads (LGATE-012)
This road centreline dataset is derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB). It is a comprehensive depiction of the state’s... -
Region Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-023)
The Region schemes provides a statutory mechanism to assist strategic planning, the coordination of major infrastructure and sets aside areas for regional open space and other... -
Local Planning Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-071)
The zones and reserves dataset shows the zoning for the whole State where there is a Local Planning Scheme in place. This dataset have been standardised where the zone number... -
Historical Cadastre 2021 (Polygon) (LGATE-337)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-218)
Changes will be applied to this dataset resulting from the implementation of the Community Titles Act 2018. These changes will be applied 9th February 2022 - please refer to the... -
Heritage Council WA - Local Heritage Survey (DPLH-008)
Since 1st July 2019, Municipal Inventory have been renamed to Local Heritage Surveys. This is a list of places within a local district which are, or may become, of cultural... -
Transmission Overhead Powerlines (WP-032)
This data set describes approximate overhead power lines routes associated with Western Power's Transmission network. © Western Power 2017 WARNING: This data should be... -
Aboriginal Communities and Town Reserves (DPLH-002)
A discrete Aboriginal community is a geographic location, bounded by physical or cadastral (legal) boundaries, and inhabited or intended to be inhabited predominantly (i.e. 50%...