Local Planning Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-071)
The zones and reserves dataset shows the zoning for the whole State where there is a Local Planning Scheme in place. This dataset have been standardised where the zone number... -
Public Transport Authority Service Routes (PTA-002)
All service routes and related information for public transport bus, train and ferry services providing state wide coverage. -
Townsites (LGATE-248)
This layer supersedes Townsites (LGATE-007) Townsites are the urban centres described by technical description. A townsite must be approved (by document) by the Minister for... -
1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016)
The 1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016) is one of three digital data layers that make up the 1:500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The other two are... -
Section 19 - WA Mining Act (DMIRS-023)
Section 19 – Under Section 19 of the Mining Act (1978) the Minister, or his delegate, may exempt any land, (not being private land or land that is the subject of a mining... -
Native Title (NNTT) (LGATE-004)
This dataset contains the external spatial extent of all Native Title Applications within Western Australia that have been registered with the National Native Title Tribunal... -
Historical Cadastre 2021 (Polygon) (LGATE-337)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Regional Parks (DBCA-026)
Regional Parks are open spaces identified as having regionally significant value for conservation, recreation and community use. There are regional parks situated around... -
Native Title (Determination) (LGATE-066)
This dataset contains the external spatial extent of all Native Title Applications within Western Australia that have been determined by the Federal Court of Australia. This... -
Geographic Names (GEONOMA) (LGATE-013)
A points dataset showing the position of features of interest derived from the Official Geographic Names Gazetteer for Western Australia. It does not contain roads information.... -
Regional Development Commission Boundaries (DPIRD-020)
A dataset that contains Regional Development Commission (RDC) region boundaries in Western Australia. These regions were established to support the Regional Development... -
WA Regional Aerial Photography Mosaic (LGATE-321)
This regional Western Australia imagery service provides access to all available regional imagery as separate layers dating from 2010 to the present day. It is a composite... -
Perth Metro (LGATE-323)
This imagery service provides Perth metropolitan aerial imagery as individual layers from 1947 through to present day. To improve performance and address recurring issues, the... -
Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-218)
Changes will be applied to this dataset resulting from the implementation of the Community Titles Act 2018. These changes will be applied 9th February 2022 - please refer to the... -
Minedex (DMIRS-001)
Mines and mineral deposits of Western Australia: a spatial extract from MINEDEX database. MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based, inquiry system for textual information... -
Water Bore (WCORP-073)
Water Corporation access point for subsurface water delivery -
FPM 1 in 100 (1%) AEP Floodway and Flood Fringe Area (DWER-014)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Heritage Council WA - Local Heritage Survey (DPLH-008)
Since 1st July 2019, Municipal Inventory have been renamed to Local Heritage Surveys. This is a list of places within a local district which are, or may become, of cultural... -
Vegetation Complexes - South West forest region of Western Australia (DBCA-047)
Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) - Vegetation Complexes - SWF50k The dataset is a comprehensive coverage of pre-1750 distribution of vegetation complexes of the south... -
Transmission Overhead Powerlines (WP-032)
This data set describes approximate overhead power lines routes associated with Western Power's Transmission network. © Western Power 2017 WARNING: This data should be...