Woody Change 1992-1995 (LGATE-376)
Vegetation change products are produced annually identifying locations where the perennial woody vegetation from the vegetation cover datasets based on Landsat imagery (30m... -
Vegetation History 11 16 21 (LGATE-367)
The Vegetation History product is a visual display produced from a Land Monitor developed Landsat imagery vegetation index related to vegetation density (red band + short wave... -
1:100 000 Map Sheet Index (DMIRS-091)
1:100 000 Australia topographic map sheet index for 1:100 000 map sheets over Western Australia. -
Woody Change 2000-2002 (LGATE-379)
Vegetation change products are produced annually identifying locations where the perennial woody vegetation from the vegetation cover datasets based on Landsat imagery (30m... -
Historical Exploration Activity - Lines (DMIRS-087)
This is the spatial data for the EXACT (EXploration ACTivity) database. The EXACT database contains information on exploration activities described in open file mineral... -
Deep Learning 2D Building Outlines 2024 (LGATE-483)
2D building outlines derived from imagery captured across Western Australia using a deep learning algorithm. The algorithm was created in-house within Landgate to demonstrate to... -
EPA Referred Schemes Pending (DWER-121)
This is intermediate dataset stores pending referred scheme boundaries (where no Level of Assessment has yet been determined), and is used for quality assurance purposes prior... -
1:1000 000 Map Sheet Index (DMIRS-093)
1:1 000 000 Australia topographic map sheet index for 1:1 000 000 map sheets over Western Australia. -
Forest Management Plan (FMP) Boundary: 2024 - 2033 (DBCA-080)
The Forest Management Plan (FMP) is a plan developed every 10 years to manage all conservation reserves, state forest and other lands in the SW of WA that are vested in the... -
Land Monitor Salinity Extent 2010 (DPIRD-099)
Vectorized version of the Land Monitor Salinity Extent – South West of Western Australia 2010 dataset. Salinity mapped in raster format with 25-m pixels. The Land Monitor... -
Deep Learning Solar Panels 2023 (LGATE-481)
2D solar panel outlines derived from Perth metropolitan imagery January/February 2023 (north, central and south metro areas) using a deep learning algorithm. The algorithm was... -
Deep Learning Footpaths 2024 (LGATE-485)
Sealed Footpaths derived from imagery captured across Western Australia using a deep learning algorithm. The algorithm was created in-house within Landgate to demonstrate to... -
Emergency Response - Client Property Event System - Properties (DPIRD-082)
This restricted data set identifies property boundaries and the contact details of all associated clients from the DPIRD client property event (CPE) system. This data set may... -
Deep Learning Road Surfaces 2023 (LGATE-482)
Road Surfaces derived from imagery captured across Western Australia using a deep learning algorithm. The algorithm was created in-house within Landgate to demonstrate to... -
Vessel Safety Equipment Registered (DOT-038)
Vessel Safety Equipment for Registrable Vessels, including sailing that are or can be propelled by mechanical power. -
Land Monitor Salinity Extent 1990 (DPIRD-097)
Vectorized version of the Land Monitor Salinity Extent – South West of Western Australia 1990 dataset. Salinity mapped in raster format with 25-m pixels. The Land Monitor... -
Land Monitor Salinity Extent 1998 (DPIRD-098)
Vectorized version of the Land Monitor Salinity Extent – South West of Western Australia 1998 dataset. Salinity mapped in raster format with 25-m pixels. The Land Monitor... -
Swan Canning Riverpark Natural Foreshores 2023 (DBCA-079)
This data set was derived from the Riverbank dataset, which aims to identify those foreshore areas most in need of works. Riverbank dataset assesses Built Foreshores, Natural... -
Deep Learning Swimming Pool Outlines 2024 (LGATE-484)
2D swimming pool outlines derived from Perth metropolitan imagery using a deep learning algorithm. This includes a classification for the type of pool as Below Ground, Above... -
Princess Royal Harbour Seagrass Survey - Extent (DWER-132)
Princess Royal Harbour was surveyed in January and March 2021. Seagrass species distribution (Posidonia australis, Posidonia sinuousa, Posidonia coriacea, Halophila sp., Ruppia...