Pre-European Vegetation (DPIRD-006)
The pre-European vegetation mapping of Western Australia dataset is an output of a joint project. It maps original natural vegetation presumed to have existed prior to European... -
South west agricultural region (DPIRD-008)
The zone managed for intensive agricultural activities in South-Western Australia. Also known as the South West Agricultural Area or Clearing Line. This zone defines the... -
Client Property Event System - Properties (DPIRD-018)
The client property event (CPE) system is a spatially linked database of agricultural and other properties maintained by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional... -
Generalised agricultural land use of Western Australia (DPIRD-003)
Generalised land use regions based on their primary agricultural land use. -
Soil landscape mapping - Zones (DPIRD-017)
Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the zones level of the soil-landscape mapping hierarchy. Zones derived from soil-landscape mapping (best available) Version... -
Wheatbelt of WA (DPIRD-024)
The Wheatbelt boundary of Western Australia defines the area of cropping for wheat in Western Australia. This dataset was created in August 2009 to accurately define the limit... -
Buildings of WA (DPIRD-084)
Coarse spatial boundaries of buildings in Western Australia. This product was created with Deep Learning image segmentation of satellite data (Vivid 2.0), with further filtering... -
Farm dams of Western Australia (DPIRD-083)
Spatial boundaries of over 175,000 agricultural dams in Western Australia. This product is an improved version of the ‘Farm dams of the South West agricultural region of WA... -
Land Capability - Dryland Cropping (DPIRD-031)
Land capability for cropping in the south west of Western Australia based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape mapping dataset (DPIRD-027). This... -
Land Capability - Perennial Horticulture (DPIRD-033)
Land capability for perennial horticulture in the south west of Western Australia based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape mapping dataset... -
Land Capability - Grazing (DPIRD-032)
Land capability for grazing in the south west of Western Australia based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape mapping dataset (DPIRD-027). This... -
Soil landscape land quality - Wind Erosion Risk (DPIRD-016)
Wind Erosion risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report... -
Soil landscape land quality - Salinity Risk (DPIRD-009)
Salinity risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report 298,... -
State Barrier Fence (DPIRD-025)
Western Australia's State Barrier Fence (SBF) plays an important role in preventing animal pests such as wild dogs from moving into the State's agricultural areas from pastoral... -
Soil landscape land quality - Water Erosion Risk (DPIRD-013)
Water Erosion risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report... -
Soil landscape land quality - Waterlogging Risk (DPIRD-015)
Waterlogging Risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report... -
Land Capability - Vineyards (DPIRD-034)
Land capability for vineyards in the south west of Western Australia based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape mapping dataset (DPIRD-027). Land... -
Potentially Arable Land (DPIRD-026)
The potentially arable areas dataset is derived from a number of source datasets to provide an approximation of the area of land in Western Australia which is potentially... -
Crop Variety Testing Zones of WA (DPIRD-028)
The Crop Variety Testing Areas dataset contains several layers used by DAFWA to make recommendations about cropping for distinct regions: Crop variety testing areas 2001 Crop... -
Soil landscape land quality - Subsurface Acidification Risk (DPIRD-011)
Subsurface Acidification risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management...