Pearling Leases (DPIRD-002)
Polygon coverage of all pearling leases, pearling trial and holding sites. Data from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is provided under Creative Common... -
Fisheries Guide - Open Access (DPIRD-059)
This data set contains the current Open Access (OA) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish / fishery / area or... -
Agricultural Areas (LGATE-228)
This layer supersedes Agricultural Areas (LGATE-183) Republished with a redefined set of attributes, Agricultural Areas are declared parcels of land allocated under the Land Act... -
Grid Blocks - 60 NM (CAES) (DPIRD-056)
This spatial boundary supports the Catch and Effort System (CAES) Blocks – 60 Nautical Mile (NM) Grid, in relation to the recording of fisheries catch data against a spatial... -
AACC Regions SA2 Concordance
List of ABS Statisticals Areas 2 (SA2) and which AACC Region they fit into. The AACC Data Warehouse Regions match exactly to SA2 boundaries. Population data (2011) is also... -
Grid Blocks - 10 NM (DPIRD-055)
Western Australian waters broken up into 10 minute degrees of latitude and longitude, 10 nautical mile (NM) blocks, in relation to the recording of fishing catch and effort for... -
Land Divisions (LGATE-232)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, Western Australia is divided into five Land Divisions (Land Administration Act 1997). Originally WA was divided into divisions... -
Water Control Areas (LGATE-250)
The Water Control Areas is an administrative boundary dataset that defines areas of land proclaimed under the Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947 (CAWS Act) and Metropolitan... -
Grid Blocks - 5 NM (DPIRD-057)
Western Australian waters broken up into 5 minute degrees of latitude and longitude, 5 nautical mile (NM) blocks, in relation to the recording of fishing catch and effort for... -
Mapsheets (LGATE-011)
Mapsheet boundaries index for 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250 and 3,000k sheets which can be used for various purposes such as when requesting data. License Information Use of... -
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Regional Boundaries (DWER-001)
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Regional Boundaries were created as a result of the splitting of Department of Water and Environmental Regulation from the... -
EPA Referred Significant Proposals (DWER-120)
A key role of the EPA is to provide Government with advice on the environmental acceptability of proposed development. Development proposals include proposals for mining,... -
Fisheries Guide - Instrument of Exemption (DPIRD-051)
This data set contains the current Instrument of Exemption (IOE) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish /... -
Kwinana - Atmospheric Waste Miscellaneous Areas (DWER-064)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia. Kwinana is a major heavy industrial area 30 km south of Perth, Western Australia. Most industry... -
WRIMS - Surface Water Subareas (DWER-080)
Surface Water subareas stored in WRIMS (Water Resource Information Management System). Surface Water Allocation Subareas for Western Australia were derived in consultation with... -
State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy Boundaries (DWER-058)
The Cockburn Sound ‘policy area’ includes Cockburn Sound and its catchment and is the area to which the State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy applies. The Cockburn Sound... -
Emergency Management Boundaries (OEM-001)
Emergency Management Boundaries based on the Emergency Management Districts Order 2015 -
Marine Nature Reserves (LGATE-237)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, Marine Nature Reserves are areas set aside for the protection of habitat and wildlife, and the preservation of features of... -
Kwinana - Atmospheric Waste Policy Boundary (DWER-065)
Kwinana is a major heavy industrial area 30 km south of Perth, Western Australia. Most industry is concentrated in a strip of land about eight kilometres long bordering the... -
DBCA Planning Referrals Contacts (DBCA-033)
DPaW regional contact details for planning referrals and enquiries. General enquiries about where to send referrals can be directed to DPaW’s Land Planning Program Co-ordinator...