Black Cockatoo Roosting Sites - Buffered (DBCA-064)
Data from The Great Cocky Count which takes place annually in early to mid-April. This event records birds as they fly in to night roosts on a single day and has taken place... -
Black Cockatoo Breeding Sites - Buffered (DBCA-063)
Sites where Black-Cockatoos (generally Carnaby’s) are confirmed to be breeding. Breeding is inferred based on surveys which have recorded either birds entering/leaving the nest... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Confirmed Roost Sites (DBCA-050)
Describes the currently known and confirmed night roost areas for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo in the South - West of Western Australia. This layer should be used in conjunction... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Confirmed Breeding Areas within the Swan Coastal Plain and...
Shows the confirmed breeding areas of the Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) within the Swan Coastal Plain and the Jarrah Forest IBRA regions. Confirmed sites are identified where... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Areas requiring investigation as feeding habitat in the...
Areas of remnant vegetation in the Swan Coastal Plain IBRA region that may provide important feeding resources for Carnaby's black cockatoo. This layer should be used in... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Areas requiring investigation as feeding habitat in the...
Areas of remnant vegetation in the Jarrah Forest IBRA region that may provide important feeding resources for Carnaby's black cockatoo. This layer should be used in conjunction... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Unconfirmed Breeding Areas within the Swan Coastal Plain...
Shows the unconfirmed breeding areas of the Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) within the Swan Coastal Plain and the Jarrah Forest IBRA regions. This layer should be used in... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Unconfirmed Roost Sites (DBCA-051)
Unconfirmed roost sites for Carnaby's Black Cockatoos (CBC). An “Unconfirmed Roost” is a site where roosting CBC have been reported to Birds Australia or DBCA but have not had a... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Unconfirmed Roost Sites Buffered 6km (DBCA-053)
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) un-confirmed roost sites buffered. An “Unconfirmed Roost” is a site where roosting CBC have been reported to Birds Australia or DBCA but have not...