1966 Geology map of Christmas Island
This dataset has been digitised from the 1:27400 1966 Geology map of Christmas Island. Geoscience Australia used ArcInfo to digitise a scanned version of the map. Once digitised... -
Christmas Island Digital Elevation Model - 2011
In 2011 AAM was commissioned by the Commonwealth to fly an airborne laser scanning survey (LiDAR) of Christmas Island. The survey was carried out using a fixed wing aircraft... -
Pre PRL Clearing
The Pre-PRL Clearing dataset shows the extent of major land clearing before Phosphate Resources Limited (PRL) began mining on the island in the early 1990’s. It was provided to... -
1985 Vegetation map of Christmas Island
This dataset has been digitised from the 1:25000 vegetation map of Christmas Island (accompanying Mitchell's 1985 report). The vector version was completed on behalf of Parks... -
Christmas Island Contours - 10m- 2011
10m contours were generated for the whole island from the 2011 DEM. As a guide, the DEM data is vertically accurate to 15cm and horizontally accurate to 30cm. Contours were... -
Christmas Island Utilities – Fuel Areas (Tanks)
Utilities data were supplied to Geoscience Australia by Gutteridge Haskins & Davey Pty Ltd (GHD) on 25th May 2001. Utilities data supplied included fuel related... -
Christmas Island Canopy Height Model (CHM) – 2011
A 2m by 2m canopy height model (CHM) grid developed from the 2011 aerial LiDAR survey of Christmas Island. As with the 2011 DEM, the CHM was provided to Geoscience Australia in... -
Christmas Island Water Resources – Undeveloped Water Sources
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Christmas Island - Orthophoto - 1976
Christmas Island - Orthophoto - 1976 Disclaimer -
Christmas Island Road Network – 2013 Update
In May 2013, the Christmas Island road layer (as used in the NATMAP 1:30,000k general reference map of Christmas Island) was updated using the 2011 orthophotography and data... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Barriers – 2012
This layer shows the location of red crab barriers on Christmas. It was provided by to Geoscience by Christmas Island National Park staff in July 2012 as a shapefile. The only... -
Christmas Island Water Resources - Zone of very high vulnerability - outline
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Crossings & Gates – 2012
Information on the location of red crab crossing grids and migration gates were provided to Geoscience Australia by Christmas Island National Park in July 2012 as shapefiles.... -
Christmas Island Water Resources - Basal Aquifer - Brackish
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Christmas Island Water Resources – Zone of high brackish-saline water infiltration
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Christmas Island Water Resources - Zone of very high vulnerability
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Christmas Island Old Drill Lines Clearing
In early 2011 PRL provided Geoscience Australia with the Old Drill Hole Clearing dataset. This dataset shows the location of old drill lines cleared through the rainforest on... -
Christmas Island Building Outlines 2011
Building polygons were created in February 2013 by Geoscience Australia by manually digitising the outline of each building off the 2011 orthophotography. Digitisation was done... -
Christmas Island Utilities – Fuel Lines
Utilities data were supplied to Geoscience Australia by Gutteridge Haskins & Davey Pty Ltd (GHD) on 25th May 2001. Utilities data supplied included fuel related... -
Christmas Island Crazy Ant Grid
The Crazy Ants shapefile was built from National Parks’ working database file as at December 2001. This data contains observation data made by Parks employees during their...