Soil landscape land quality - Subsurface Compaction Risk (DPIRD-012)
Subsurface Acidification risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management... -
Christmas Island Canopy Height Model (CHM) – 2011
A 2m by 2m canopy height model (CHM) grid developed from the 2011 aerial LiDAR survey of Christmas Island. As with the 2011 DEM, the CHM was provided to Geoscience Australia in... -
State Environment Policy Cockburn Protection Levels 2010 (DWER-068)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia. This dataset represents the spatial boundaries of the SEP Cockburn Protection Levels. The... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Barriers – 2012
This layer shows the location of red crab barriers on Christmas. It was provided by to Geoscience by Christmas Island National Park staff in July 2012 as a shapefile. The only... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Crossings & Gates – 2012
Information on the location of red crab crossing grids and migration gates were provided to Geoscience Australia by Christmas Island National Park in July 2012 as shapefiles.... -
2D Water Polygons (LGATE-347)
This dataset is an AI extracted topographic feature polygon indicating the location of water bodies. This dataset was provisioned through CaptureWA with the approval of WALIS... -
Christmas Island Old Drill Lines Clearing
In early 2011 PRL provided Geoscience Australia with the Old Drill Hole Clearing dataset. This dataset shows the location of old drill lines cleared through the rainforest on... -
Christmas Island Crazy Ant Grid
The Crazy Ants shapefile was built from National Parks’ working database file as at December 2001. This data contains observation data made by Parks employees during their... -
UCL Mitigation Activities - Mechanical (DBCA-069)
This data represents 2021/2022 mechanical mitigation activities undertaken by DBCA including chaining, mulching, slashing, spraying, as well as fire access track construction... -
Aquatic GDE in the Fitzroy Water Planning Area (DWER-126)
The dataset shows the location and spatial extent of aquatic ecosystems and their potential dependence on the surface expression of groundwater. It shows aquatic ecosystems at a... -
EPA Referred Schemes Pending (DWER-121)
This is intermediate dataset stores pending referred scheme boundaries (where no Level of Assessment has yet been determined), and is used for quality assurance purposes prior...