Medium Scale Topo General Transport (Point) (LGATE-037)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general transport nature. A single point that describes a feature's location. © Western Australian Land Information... -
Medium Scale Topo Cultural Features (Line) (LGATE-030)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to manmade features. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. © Western Australian Land... -
Medium Scale Topo Cultural Feature (Point) (LGATE-109)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to manmade features. A single point that describes a feature's location. © Western Australian Land Information... -
Gate Station (ATCO-033)
A Gate Station is a transition point from Transmission and Distribution pipes and assets. Generally marks the start of the ATCO network. -
Large Scale Topo Cultural Feature (Line) (LGATE-141)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general cultural type. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. NOTE: Landgate no longer... -
Aboriginal Housing Services As Constructed - structure_linear (DOC-021)
This dataset contains structure detail for selected remote Aboriginal settlements in Western Australia e.g. airstrip runways, building outlines, fences and verandahs. These...