[RETIRED] Aboriginal Heritage Places (DPLH-001)
This data set contains places within Western Australia that have been reported to the Registrar of Aboriginal Sites as possible Aboriginal sites within the meaning of Section 5... -
Heritage Council WA - State Register (DPLH-006)
The State Register of Heritage Places recognises a place's value and importance to Western Australia. It includes buildings, structures, gardens, cemeteries, landscapes and... -
Heritage Council WA - Local Heritage Survey (DPLH-008)
Since 1st July 2019, Municipal Inventory have been renamed to Local Heritage Surveys. This is a list of places within a local district which are, or may become, of cultural... -
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage - Register (DPLH-099)
Aboriginal cultural heritage refers to the elements, both tangible and intangible, that hold significant value to Aboriginal people for their social, spiritual, historical,... -
State Archives online catalogue
The State Records Office is responsible for the State Archive Collection, the largest archival collection in Western Australia and one of the most important historical and... -
Heritage Council WA - Heritage Agreements (DPLH-005)
Heritage Agreements are entered into between a property owner and the Heritage Council or another public authority on behalf of the State in return for planning approval or... -
Heritage Areas (DPLH-089)
A Local Heritage Area is recognition of an areas heritage significance to the local community. This area is used to assists Local Government to establish local heritage surveys... -
Heritage List (DPLH-090)
A Local Heritage List are places within local district which established or maintained under a local planning scheme. They contain properties for their cultural heritage... -
Heritage Council WA - Assessment Program (DPLH-007)
When a place is on the Heritage Council’s Assessment Program, it means that the Heritage Council has an interest in the place and it will be assessed and considered for... -
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage - Lodged (DPLH-100)
Aboriginal cultural heritage refers to the elements, both tangible and intangible, that hold significant value to Aboriginal people for their social, spiritual, historical,... -
Dizzy Lamb Park 1985 (LGATE-272)
Part of a collection of WA's iconic theme parks from the 1980s. Many of these sites are still around today, but are either bigger, laying in ruins or modified versions of their... -
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage - Historic (DPLH-098)
Aboriginal cultural heritage refers to the elements, both tangible and intangible, that hold significant value to Aboriginal people for their social, spiritual, historical,... -
Heritage Council WA - Protection Orders (DPLH-004)
Protection Orders provide special protection to Western Australian places of cultural heritage significance from the likelihood of damage. For more information contact the... -
WA Theme Parks
A collection of WA's iconic theme parks from the 1980s. Many of these sites are still around today, but are either bigger, laying in ruins or modified versions of their former... -
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey Areas (DPLH-080)
Aboriginal cultural heritage refers to the elements, both tangible and intangible, that hold significant value to Aboriginal people for their social, spiritual, historical,... -
Geoheritage Sites
Geoheritage sites are natural features of the Earth that are considered to be unique within Western Australia and to have significant geoscientific and educational values. The... -
Bullens African Lion Safari Park 1983 (LGATE-271)
Part of a collection of WA's iconic theme parks from the 1980s. Many of these sites are still around today, but are either bigger, laying in ruins or modified versions of their... -
Yanchep Grass Ski Park 1983 (LGATE-280)
Part of a collection of WA's iconic theme parks from the 1980s. Many of these sites are still around today, but are either bigger, laying in ruins or modified versions of their... -
Action Park 1985 (LGATE-264)
Part of a collection of WA's iconic theme parks from the 1980s. Many of these sites are still around today, but are either bigger, laying in ruins or modified versions of their... -
Mandurah Castle Fun Park 1985 (LGATE-277)
Part of a collection of WA's iconic theme parks from the 1980s. Many of these sites are still around today, but are either bigger, laying in ruins or modified versions of their...