Mining Tenements (DMIRS-003)
Live and Pending Mining Tenement Data referencing both surveyed and unsurveyed mining tenements as they appear spatially within the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry... -
Abandoned Mines
The Abandoned Mine Sites database is an inventory of abandoned mine sites recommended by the Minerals Environment Liaison Committee in 1994. Following a fatal accident at an... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Perth (2034 II)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
Section 19 - WA Mining Act (DMIRS-023)
Section 19 – Under Section 19 of the Mining Act (1978) the Minister, or his delegate, may exempt any land, (not being private land or land that is the subject of a mining... -
Minedex (DMIRS-001)
Mines and mineral deposits of Western Australia: a spatial extract from MINEDEX database. MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based, inquiry system for textual information... -
File Notation Area (DMIRS-002)
File Notation Areas (FNA) as they appear spatially within the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s TENGRAPH system. File Notation Areas are any proposed land transaction, or... -
Mineral exploration drillholes (open file) (DMIRS-046)
Open file Company Mineral Drillhole Database containing historic drillholes. The database is an aid to mineral exploration in Western Australia. Under the Mining Act 1978... -
Western Australian Petroleum Pipeline Polygons (DMIRS-007)
WAP_STATE_PIPE_POLYGON_PRD_VW digital dataset contains current West Australian State Petroleum and Gas Pipelines Polygons pertinent to the Petroleum Submerged Lands Act 1982... -
Oil and gas fields (points)
The Oil and Gas fields (points) is a dataset which contains a point representation of the location of oil and gas fields for display on map products. -
DMIRS Core Library Drill Holes (DMIRS-004)
Index to mineral core stored by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. This mineral drillcore is usually obtained from mineral exploration companies and is... -
Tenements - DEAD (DMIRS-026)
Dead Mining Tenements comprising surveyed and unsurveyed boundary extents as at Date of death -
Regolith of WA - 500 metre grid (DMIRS-017)
The digital 1:500 000 regolith map of Western Australia (preliminary edition) is based on published GSWA 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 series geological maps. These maps have been... -
WA Petroleum Titles (DMIRS-011)
The WA Petroleum Title (formerly WAPMAP) digital data set contains all granted Petroleum Titles. The data is held in GDA94 latitude and longitude coordinates. This dataset was... -
Section 57 2(aa) Mineralization zones - WA Mining Act (DMIRS-045)
Mineralisation Zones are areas of the state that represent Brown Field areas where only 70 Block exploration licence applications are permitted. Outside of these areas (Green... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Yarraloola (SF50-06)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Yarraloola region of... -
Mineral Field Boundaries (DMIRS-005)
The state of Western Australia is divided into various mineral fields, some are further divided into districts under powers contained in Section 16 of the Mining Act 1978. This... -
Tenements - Release pending (DMIRS-030)
Depicts those areas within related current Exploration Licences due for release under Sec 65 of the Mining Act -
Major Resources Projects
MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based enquiry system for textual information on mine, deposits, prospects, etc., and related infrastructure. The Major Resources Projects... -
Section 57 (4) - WA Mining Act (DMIRS-044)
Areas defined under Section 57(4) of the Mining Act 1978 as being those lands that due to the intensity of mining activity are exempt from being the subject of an Exploration... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Kalgoorlie ed2 (SH51-09)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Kalgoorlie region of...