Mining Tenements (DMIRS-003)
Live and Pending Mining Tenement Data referencing both surveyed and unsurveyed mining tenements as they appear spatially within the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry... -
Native Vegetation Extent (DPIRD-005)
A data set containing vegetation extent polygons from the mapping of remnant vegetation in Western Australia. This was originally compiled as part of the vegetation theme of the... -
Threatened Ecological Communities (DBCA-038)
This data shows the generalised locations of threatened ecologically communities protected under the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and priority ecological communities... -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Swan Coastal Plain (DWER-055)
Map of the risk of Acid Sulfate Soil (ASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of ASS materials occurring within soil profiles. This... -
Contaminated Sites Database (DWER-059)
The Contaminated Sites Database holds information on confirmed contaminated sites (those classified ‘contaminated-remediation required’, ‘contaminated - restricted use’ and... -
Clearing Regulations - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (DWER-046)
Environmentally Sensitive Areas as declared in Environmental Protection (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) Notice 2005, Government Gazette No. 55. This dataset is provided to... -
Bush Forever Areas 2000 (DPLH-019)
The Bush Forever layer has been developed to show spatially the Bush Forever Policy which provides a policy and implementation framework that will ensure bushland protection and... -
Region Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-023)
The Region schemes provides a statutory mechanism to assist strategic planning, the coordination of major infrastructure and sets aside areas for regional open space and other... -
Local Planning Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-071)
The zones and reserves dataset shows the zoning for the whole State where there is a Local Planning Scheme in place. This dataset have been standardised where the zone number... -
1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016)
The 1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016) is one of three digital data layers that make up the 1:500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The other two are... -
Regional Parks (DBCA-026)
Regional Parks are open spaces identified as having regionally significant value for conservation, recreation and community use. There are regional parks situated around... -
Minedex (DMIRS-001)
Mines and mineral deposits of Western Australia: a spatial extract from MINEDEX database. MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based, inquiry system for textual information... -
File Notation Area (DMIRS-002)
File Notation Areas (FNA) as they appear spatially within the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s TENGRAPH system. File Notation Areas are any proposed land transaction, or... -
Ramsar Sites (DBCA-010)
The Ramsar Sites dataset defines the official boundaries of current and proposed Western Australia Ramsar wetlands listed as Wetlands of International Importance, under the... -
DBCA District Boundaries (DBCA-023)
DPAW's administrative district boundaries as at July 2017. formally DPAW District Boundaries (DPAW-034) -
DFES Regions (DFES-015)
This dataset consists of polygon data showing the DFES regional boundaries. -
UXO Potential (DFES-034)
The information within this dataset is made available in the understanding that the Western Australian Government, its agencies, instrumentalities and officers will not be... -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map 50K (DWER-049)
Data showing the risk of Potential Acid Sulfate Soil (PASS) materials that may be disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of PASS materials occurring... -
DBCA Region Boundaries (DBCA-022)
DPAW's administrative region boundaries as at June 2016. was formally DPAW Region Boundaries (DPAW-033) -
EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves 1976-1991 (DBCA-029)
The EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves contains the boundaries of areas recommended for conservation by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western...