Forest Blocks (DBCA-025)
The forest block boundaries are administrative boundaries by which CALM manages its Sustainable Forest Management. Formally Forest Blocks (DPAW-016) -
EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves 1976-1991 (DBCA-029)
The EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves contains the boundaries of areas recommended for conservation by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western... -
Region Scheme - Special Areas (DPLH-022)
Special Areas dataset have been developed to incorporate a number of datasets. It is to be used in-conjunction with the Zones and Reserves. It contains Bush Forever Areas, Water... -
Swan and Canning River - Development Control Area (DBCA-028)
The Swan Canning Development Control Area includes the waters of the Swan River (upstream of the Fremantle Port Authority boundary), Avon River (to its confluence with Moondyne... -
Region Scheme - Scheme Boundary (DPLH-020)
This dataset shows the Region Scheme boundary of the Metropolitan, Peel and Greater Bunbury Region Scheme. -
Clearing Regulations - Schedule One Areas (DWER-057)
Areas requiring a permit for clearing resulting from low impact mineral or petroleum activities as declared in Regulation 6 in Government Gazette No. 115 Environmental... -
Western & Central Australia 1862
AU WA S50- cons3423 094A - Australia from surveys made by Order of the British Government (et alia), John Arrowsmith, London, 1862 [Office record with explorer's routes marked... -
DMIRS Core Library Drill Holes (DMIRS-004)
Index to mineral core stored by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. This mineral drillcore is usually obtained from mineral exploration companies and is... -
Regolith of WA - 500 metre grid (DMIRS-017)
The digital 1:500 000 regolith map of Western Australia (preliminary edition) is based on published GSWA 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 series geological maps. These maps have been... -
South Coast Significant Wetlands (DBCA-018)
The former WRC SC region have developed a spreadsheet which aims to document the South Coast natural assets which come under the WRC jurisdiction. There are four main worksheets... -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Pilbara Coastline (DWER-053)
Data of the risk of Potential Acid Sulfate Soil (PASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of PASS materials occurring within 3m of... -
WA Petroleum Titles (DMIRS-011)
The WA Petroleum Title (formerly WAPMAP) digital data set contains all granted Petroleum Titles. The data is held in GDA94 latitude and longitude coordinates. This dataset was... -
Structure Plan Boundaries (DPLH-024)
A structure plan provides a basis for zoning (including residential density) and subdivision of land. This layer shows Structure plan boundaries. -
Soil landscape land quality - Flood Risk (DPIRD-007)
Flood risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report 298,... -
1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-014)
The primary 1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-014) is one of four digital data layers that make up the 1:2 500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The... -
DFES Stations (DFES-023)
This dataset consists of point data showing the verified location of DFES Stations and Offices. -
Mineral Field Boundaries (DMIRS-005)
The state of Western Australia is divided into various mineral fields, some are further divided into districts under powers contained in Section 16 of the Mining Act 1978. This... -
2003-2005 ASS Site Evaluation (DWER-047)
Site classifications and expert profile summary assessment based on ASS soil coring information obtained during the 2003-2005 acid sulfate soil mapping program covering low... -
ESL DFES Polygons (DFES-013)
Emergency Services Levy (ESL) boundaries define the gazetted descriptions of ESL category based upon cadastral information. The boundaries have been gazetted by the Department... -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Albany-Torbay (DWER-054)
Map of the risk of Acid Sulfate Soil (ASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of ASS materials occurring within soil profiles. This...