1:500 000 State linear structures layer (DMIRS-015)
The 1:500 000 State linear structures layer (DMIRS-015) is one of three digital data layers that make up the 1:500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The other two are the... -
Soil landscape land quality - Wind Erosion Risk (DPIRD-016)
Wind Erosion risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report... -
Roadside Conservation - Road Centerline (DBCA-030)
The Roadside Conservation Committee (RCC) surveys were initiated to assist Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and local communities in the protection, maintenance and... -
Aboriginal Settlements - Settlement Layout Lots (DPLH-013)
Portions of land which match discrete land use. Both existing and future land uses are defined. Every SL-lot has an identifier number as a label, known as a SL-lot number. The... -
Drainage Pipes Wanneroo (WAN-001)
City of Wanneroo Drainage pipes. -
Soil landscape land quality - Salinity Risk (DPIRD-009)
Salinity risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report 298,... -
Aboriginal Settlements (DPLH-011)
Point and label used to identify the location of Aboriginal settlements, as per State Planning Policy 3.2, available on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website. -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Estuaries (DWER-050)
Predicted risk of Acid Sulfate Soil (ASS) materials occurring within shallow soil layers in WA Estuaries (not covered by other Department of Environment ASS risk datasets) that... -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Lower South West (DWER-052)
Data of the risk of Potential Acid Sulfate Soil (PASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of PASS materials occurring within 3m of... -
Consanguineous Wetlands Suites (DBCA-020)
The consanguineous suites dataset is a wetlands data set that is derived from identifying related wetlands that occur within the same region, within the same setting, and have... -
CAWSA Part 2A Clearing Control Catchments (DWER-004)
The "Clearing Control Catchments - CAWSA" dataset relates to Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947 (CAWSA) Part IIA Control of Catchment Areas legislation for controlling the... -
Aboriginal Settlements - Land Use (DPLH-015)
Land use categories as set out in “Aboriginal Settlements Guideline". Refer to https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/policy-and-legislation/state-planning-framework/fact-sheets,-manuals-... -
Roadside Conservation - Capture Status (DBCA-034)
Areas of WA are among some of the most diverse in the world but vast amounts of native vegetation have been cleared to make way for agriculture and urban development. In some... -
1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology structural lines (DMIRS-013)
The 1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology structural lines (DMIRS-013) is one of four digital data layers that make up the 1:2 500 000 geological map of Western... -
Geomorphic Wetlands, Augusta to Walpole (DBCA-017)
This set of geomorphic wetland mapping data was created for the Waters and Rivers Commission as part of the 1997 wetlands study: Wetland mapping classification between Augusta... -
WA Petroleum Special Prospecting Authorities (DMIRS-008)
The Western Australian Special Prospecting Authority with Acreage Option (WAPSPAAO) digital data set contains current and pending Petroleum Act Special Prospecting Authorities... -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Geraldton (DWER-051)
Data of the risk of Potential Acid Sulfate Soil (PASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of PASS materials occurring within 3m of... -
Current Active Schools Semester 1 2017 - Public (DET-014)
This dataset shows the current active school locations for the first semester, 2017 school year. © Government of Western Australia 2017. Department of Education. -
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Regional Boundaries (DWER-001)
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Regional Boundaries were created as a result of the splitting of Department of Water and Environmental Regulation from the... -
Geomorphic Wetlands Darkan Duranillin (DBCA-016)
The Geomorphic Wetlands Darkan Duranillin dataset displays the location, boundary and geomorphic classification of wetlands in the Darkan Duranillin area. Wetlands are...