Townsites (LGATE-248)
This layer supersedes Townsites (LGATE-007) Townsites are the urban centres described by technical description. A townsite must be approved (by document) by the Minister for... -
Perth Townsite 1838
Perth 18. Plan from actual survey of Township of Perth showing Lots, Streets & Lakes bounded by Perth Water to South, Ellen Street to North, Mt Eliza to West & Swan... -
Overview Towns (LGATE-054)
This dataset is derived from data stored in Landgate’s medium scale Topographic Geodatabase (TGDB). It provides a very broad view of the states population centres. License... -
Fremantle Townsite 1844
AU WA S235- cons3868 126 Fremantle 19R. Plan of the Town of Fremantle, Western Australia. As marked out on the ground in 1844 by Chauncy Fieldbook 8 [scale: 40 chains to 1 inch,... -
Early Townsite of Geraldton 1863-66
AU WA S235- cons3868 137 Geraldton 7. Geraldton, includes town lots, suburban lots and quarries [scale: 80 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005696]. Further Information (State... -
Perth Townsite 1845 (Perth Lakes Cross-Section Survey)
AU WA S235- 296 Perth 18E. Plan of Perth Townsite showing Lots & Streets between Melbourne Street, Trafalgar Road & Causeway - position of Lakes Henderson, Irwin... -
Albany 1834 (Early Townsite of Albany & Environs)
AU WA S241- cons3850 08 Map of Albany and its environs, drawn and reduced from R Clint's survey by W K Shenton, 28 August 1834. Further Information available from State Records... -
Early Townsite of Collie 1899
AU WA S235-cons3868 072 Collie 155/1. Collie. John Ewing [scale: 10 chains to 1 inch]. [Further Information (State Records Office)] -
Fitzroy River 1850
AU WA S236- cons3869 Kent 35 Vicinity of the Fitzroy River, Mt Campbell, Margaret & Cunningham Rivers by G.E. May, Fieldbooks 7 & 9 [scale: 8 chains to an inch,... -
Early Townsite of Busselton 1835
AU WA S235-cons3868 057 Busselton 27. Plan of the Townsite of Busselton by H. M. Ommanney, Assistant Surveyor. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series... -
Fremantle Town Plan 1833.img
AU WA S235- cons3868 109 Fremantle 19. Part of Fremantle showing some additional allotments shaded blue which are submitted by the Surveyor General for approval of the... -
Early Townsite of Northam 1871
AU WA S235- cons3868 270 Northam 13. Compilation Plan of Northam Townsite showing the Avon and Mortlock Rivers by C.H. Roe. Various Lots by F.T. Gregory and others. [scale: 8... -
Early Townsite of Augusta 1834 (Survey Map of Augusta)
AU WA S235- cons3868 016 Augusta 28. Augusta. Survey of west side of River. A. Hillman [Tally No. 005621]. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series S235 -... -
Early Townsite of Hannans Find - Kalgoorlie 1894 (Kalgoorlie Town Plan)
AU WA S235- cons3868 185 Kalgoorlie 77. Plan of Hannans Find (later changed to Kalgoorlie) Lots 1 to 110. G. Claude Hamilton, 30/07/1894. [scale: 2 chains to an inch]. (2220 KB)... -
Garden Island to Port Leschenault - Bunbury 1829
Chart of coast between Garden Island and Port Leschenault by Lt. W. Preston by A. Hillman [Tally No. 005052]. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series... -
Australind Townsite 1841 (Australind Town Plan)
AU WA S235-cons3868 020 Australind 5/1. Plan of the intended Town of Australind as finally arranged by M. Walter Clifton Esq., FRS. [Tally No. 005627]. Further Information... -
Early Townsite of Bridgetown 1896
AU WA S235-cons3868 043 Bridgetown 26/6. Townsite of Bridgetown (Lots to the South and S. West of Townsite). Compiled by Hogarth. Further Information available from State... -
Early Townsite of Coolgardie 1898
AU WA S235-cons3868 079 Coolgardie 76/2. Coolgardie townsite. R. Gledden, G. C. Hamilton, J. O. Oxley [scale: 3 chains to 1 inch]. [Further Information (State Records Office)] -
Early Townsite of Narrogin 1889
AU WA S235- cons3868 261 Narrogin 160. Plan of Narrogin Townsite showing Streets, watercourse, Narrogin Pool, Great Southern Railway, Good Shed and yard sidings by Charles R.... -
Bunbury Townsite 1849
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