Hydrography, Linear (Hierarchy) (DWER-031)
Major streamlines of WA, coded with a hierarchy and are named. The dataset includes many streams in addition to the detailed Hydrography in areas where its data is limited (eg.... -
Public Drinking Water Source Areas (DWER-033)
Public drinking water source areas (PDWSAs) are surface water catchments and groundwater areas that provide drinking water to cities, towns and communities throughout the state.... -
Hydrographic Catchments - Catchments (DWER-028)
This dataset is the Western Australian component of a national Drainage Divisions and Basins dataset overseen by the Australian Water Resources Council. It is part of a... -
Hydrographic Catchments - Subcatchments (DWER-030)
This dataset is the Western Australian component of a national Drainage Divisions and Basins dataset overseen by the Australian Water Resources Council. It is part of a... -
RIWI Act, Surface Water Areas and Irrigation Districts (DWER-037)
The Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 provides the Governor of Western Australia the power to proclaim or prescribe through regulation a Surface Water Area. A Surface... -
Wild Rivers (DWER-087)
Wild Rivers are rivers that are largely unchanged natural systems, where biological and hydrological processes continue without significant disturbance. They occur in a variety... -
Surface Water Management Areas (DWER-041)
Surface Water Management Areas for Western Australia were derived in consultation with the regional offices, geometry is based on hydrographic subcatchments. Regional Department... -
Statewide River Water Quality Assessment (DWER-038)
Statewide River Water Quality Assessment (SRWQA) 2004 & 2008 uses water quality data collected as far back as 1998 to determine the status and trends of nine water quality... -
Hydrographic Catchments - Basins (DWER-027)
This dataset is the Western Australian component of a national Drainage Divisions and Basins dataset overseen by the Australian Water Resources Council. It is part of a... -
WRIMS - Surface Water Resources (DWER-081)
The Surface Water Resources (SWR) dataset was created to assist licensing and management of surface water in Western Australia. A surface water resource represents the smallest... -
Water Allocation Plans and Statements (DWER-086)
This dataset is under review, please contact DWER for access. This dataset is a catalogue of current & historic boundaries of Water Allocation Plans and Statements and... -
Surface Water Management Subareas (DWER-042)
Surface Water Management subareas for Western Australia were derived in consultation with the regional offices, and geometry is based on hydrographic catchments. Regional... -
Hydrographic Catchments - Divisions (DWER-029)
This dataset is the Western Australian component of a national Drainage Divisions and Basins dataset overseen by the Australian Water Resources Council. It is part of a...