Wheatbelt of WA (DPIRD-024)
The Wheatbelt boundary of Western Australia defines the area of cropping for wheat in Western Australia. This dataset was created in August 2009 to accurately define the limit... -
State Barrier Fence (DPIRD-025)
Western Australia's State Barrier Fence (SBF) plays an important role in preventing animal pests such as wild dogs from moving into the State's agricultural areas from pastoral... -
Potentially Arable Land (DPIRD-026)
The potentially arable areas dataset is derived from a number of source datasets to provide an approximation of the area of land in Western Australia which is potentially... -
Crop Variety Testing Zones of WA (DPIRD-028)
The Crop Variety Testing Areas dataset contains several layers used by DAFWA to make recommendations about cropping for distinct regions: Crop variety testing areas 2001 Crop...