Bush Forever Areas 2000 (DPLH-019)
The Bush Forever layer has been developed to show spatially the Bush Forever Policy which provides a policy and implementation framework that will ensure bushland protection and... -
DBCA Burn Options Program (DBCA-007)
The DBCA Burn Options Program dataset depicts prescribed burns of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions that are planned to take place over the next... -
DBCA Current Bushfire Season Fire Scars (DBCA-008)
Fire scar information from bushfires that were active during the current fire season, and have not yet been added to the Department of Biodievristy, Conservation and Attractions... -
DBCA Active and Planned Prescribed Burns
Current active and planned prescribed burns, as undertaken by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Formerly DPAW-001. This layer is a ‘live’ dataset... -
Roadside Conservation - Road Centerline (DBCA-030)
The Roadside Conservation Committee (RCC) surveys were initiated to assist Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and local communities in the protection, maintenance and... -
Conservation Target SWAEI (WWF-004)
This is an approach to conservation planning that systematically identifies the highest priority biodiversity values and conservation areas that, combined, can achieve the most... -
DBCA 3 Year Burn Options Program (DBCA-009)
The BCA 3 Year Burn Options Program dataset depicts prescribed burns that are planned by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions to take place over the next... -
EPP 2011 Western Swamp Tortoise Policy Boundary (DWER-062)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia - Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat) Policy 2011. This policy protects... -
Roadside Conservation - Capture Status (DBCA-034)
Areas of WA are among some of the most diverse in the world but vast amounts of native vegetation have been cleared to make way for agriculture and urban development. In some... -
DBCA Going Bushfires (DBCA-001)
(Restricted and Public Data) Active authorised bushfire boundaries of incidents managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). Formerly layer... -
DBCA Fuel Age: SW Forest (DBCA-005)
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Fuel Age dataset is derived from the departments Fire History dataset. It shows the years since each area of... -
Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat (DWER-071)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia - Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat) Policy 2011. This policy protects... -
DBCA Control Lines (DBCA-002)
Control lines (complete or proposed) implemented by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions for active bushfire incidents. Formerly DPaW-003. -
Swan Canning Riparian Ecology Foreshores 2019 (DBCA-066)
This data set was derived from the Riverbank dataset, which aims to identify those foreshore areas most in need of works. Riverbank dataset assesses Built Foreshores, Natural... -
DBCA Fuel Age: Non Forest (DBCA-004)
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Fuel Age dataset is derived from the departments Fire History dataset. It shows the years since each area of... -
DBCA Traffic Management (DBCA-003)
Traffic management information relating to bushfire incidents that are managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Formerly DPaW-006. -
IBSA Survey Details (DWER-118)
The Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessments (IBSA) project facilitates the capture of biodiversity data from land-based biodiversity field surveys, supporting assessments... -
DBCA Unauthorised Bushfire Boundaries (DBCA-058)
Active unauthorised bushfire boundaries of incidents managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.