Railway Corridor (LGATE-244)
This layer supersedes Railway Corridor (LGATE-192) Republished with a redefined set of attributes, this layer delineates the cadastral extent of the Public Transport Authority’s... -
Landgate Administrative Areas Data Dictionary
This Data WA entry has been created to provide a single source for the Administrative Area Data Dictionary that describes the new Administrative Area datasets/layers published... -
Fish Habitat Protection Areas (DPIRD-049)
Polygon coverage of the Fish Habitat Protection Areas in Western Australia declared under section 115 of the Fish Resource Management Act. Shapefile created from textual... -
State Forests (LGATE-246)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, State Forests are suitable areas set aside or reserved as State Forests and set under the control of the Commissioner for... -
Representative Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Body Boundaries (NNTT-001)
This dataset depicts the boundaries of native title representative body areas. Boundary data has been compiled by NNTT based on reference material sourced from the Department of... -
State Border (LGATE-245)
This layer supersedes State Border (LGATE-194) The State Border of Western Australia, which separates WA from South Australia and the Northern Territory, and situated... -
Aquaculture Sites (DPIRD-001)
Polygon coverage containing all marine locations of aquaculture licenses including application sites. -
AACC Regions
Regional boundaries defined for the purpose of reporting COAG Closing the Gap indicators (Aboriginal disadvantage) by WA region. The eight regions are: East Kimberley; West... -
Ward Boundaries (LGATE-249)
This layer supersedes Ward Boundaries (LGATE-051) A digital representation of the local government Ward boundaries for the state of Western Australia. Ward boundaries are being... -
Infrastructure Corridor (LGATE-231)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, the cadastral extent of the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP). The width of the corridor has been extended since... -
Marine and Harbours Act Areas (DOT-003)
Areas declared under the Marine and Harbours Act 1981. Polygon dataset forming part of DoT's Marine Administrative Boundaries captured for the purposes of the CFM Information... -
Mineral Field Boundaries (DMIRS-005)
The state of Western Australia is divided into various mineral fields, some are further divided into districts under powers contained in Section 16 of the Mining Act 1978. This... -
SWAEI Boundaries (WWF-001)
This dataset shows the boundaries of the SWAEI. -
ESL DFES Polygons (DFES-013)
Emergency Services Levy (ESL) boundaries define the gazetted descriptions of ESL category based upon cadastral information. The boundaries have been gazetted by the Department... -
Pearl Oyster Fishery (DPIRD-058)
This spatial boundary supports Pearl Oyster Fishery Ministerial Policy Guideline No 17 in relation to section 54 of the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 and Section 24 of the... -
Native Title (Fed Court) (LGATE-005)
This dataset contains the external spatial extent of all Native Title Applications within Western Australia that have been filed/lodged with the Federal Court of Australia. This... -
Fisheries Guide - Consolidated Management Plans (DPIRD-062)
This data set contains the current Consolidated Management Plans (CMP) boundaries for WA fisheries. Each feature relates to the management boundary of a specific type of fish /... -
Marine Parks (LGATE-238)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, Marine Parks are established in areas which have been recognised as having important ecological values, and/or also for public... -
Environmental Impact Assessments, Outcomes and Changes (EIAOC) (DWER-088)
This dataset has been replaced with the following datasets: EPA Referred Schemes (DWER-119) & EPA Referred Significant Proposals (DWER-120). This dataset is formally known... -
WRIMS - Groundwater Subareas (DWER-083)
For the purposes of groundwater resource management, the state of Western Australia is divided into groundwater areas proclaimed under the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act...