Cadastre Address (LGATE-002)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia with an added address attribute for the parent land... -
Localities (LGATE-234)
Locality Boundaries for the State of Western Australia. Generally, Post Code boundaries coincide with the Locality boundaries. Derived from the Spatial Cadastral Database... -
Cadastre (No Attributes) (LGATE-001)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. The dataset covers the State of Western Australia... -
Townsites (LGATE-248)
This layer supersedes Townsites (LGATE-007) Townsites are the urban centres described by technical description. A townsite must be approved (by document) by the Minister for... -
ALT Estate (DPLH-003)
The Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 (WA) (AAPA) established the Aboriginal Lands Trust (ALT) with responsibility for administering lands. These properties are now... -
State Library of Western Australia Digitised Maps 1840-1985
This dataset contains bibliographic records and persistent URLs for the digitised maps held within the State Library of Western Australia’s map collection, including cadastral... -
Port Authorities (LGATE-243)
This layer supersedes Port Authorities (LGATE-132) Port Authorities for the State of Western Australia. As originally declared under individual Port Authority Acts (7) and more... -
Cadastral Control (Point) (LGATE-224)
This dataset contains both GESMAR (Geodetic Survey Mark Register database) survey marks and Non-Geodetic control points that are used by Landgate to maintain and improve the... -
Infrastructure Corridor (LGATE-231)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, the cadastral extent of the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline (DBNGP). The width of the corridor has been extended since... -
Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222)
Community Titles Act changes coming Feb 2022 - refer to the Data Dictionary here-in Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222) is a digital representation of all survey documents... -
Tenure Polygons - Master (LGATE-356)
Polygons Master is one of a suite of feature classes (5 in total) contained within Landgate's Tenure-by-Polygon SLIP service and provides a processed "flattened" data structure... -
State Electorates [Proposed] (LGATE-133)
MLA and MLC boundaries are updated every four years prior to the State General Election. The current electoral dataset (LGATE-069) depicts the State Electoral Districts and... -
Tenure Polygons - Building Stratas (LGATE-353)
Polygons - Building Stratas is one of a suite of feature classes (5 in total) contained within Landgate's Tenure-by-Polygon SLIP service and provides a processed "flattened"... -
Tenure Polygons - Interests (LGATE-352)
Polygons - Interests is one of a suite of feature classes (5 in total) contained within Landgate's Tenure-by-Polygon SLIP service and provides a processed "flattened" data... -
Tenure Polygons - Surveyed Strata Parents (LGATE-354)
Polygons - Surveyed Strata Parents is one of a suite of feature classes (5 in total) contained within Landgate's Tenure-by-Polygon SLIP service and provides a processed... -
Tenure Polygons - Multi-Register Lots (LGATE-355)
Polygons - Multi-Register Lots is one of a suite of feature classes (5 in total) contained within Landgate's Tenure-by-Polygon SLIP service and provides a processed "flattened"...