Cadastre Address (LGATE-002)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia with an added address attribute for the parent land... -
Land Tenure (LGATE-226)
SUBJECT TO STRICT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE MEASURES . This dataset contains information about the ownership and vesting of freehold and Crown land in Western Australia. This layer... -
Cadastre (No Attributes) (LGATE-001)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. The dataset covers the State of Western Australia... -
Reserves (LGATE-227)
This dataset is a digital representation of lands set aside as Crown Reserve within the State of Western Australia. The SLIP Crown Reserve dataset contains current Crown... -
Regional Parks (DBCA-026)
Regional Parks are open spaces identified as having regionally significant value for conservation, recreation and community use. There are regional parks situated around... -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment Detail
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in... -
Land Tenure (Restricted) (LGATE-257)
Restricted to Government access only, this dataset contains information about the ownership and vesting of freehold and Crown land in Western Australia as well as information... -
Cadastre (Line) (LGATE-216)
This cadastral dataset, of line geometry type, is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. It provides detailed representation of all... -
Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222)
Community Titles Act changes coming Feb 2022 - refer to the Data Dictionary here-in Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222) is a digital representation of all survey documents... -
Cadastre (Point) (LGATE-215)
This cadastral dataset, of point geometry type, is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. It provides detailed representation of all... -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in... -
Reserve Detail (LGATE-255)
This data set contains historical information that relates to current reserves within Western Australia. Other datasets in SLIP that relate directly to this dataset are:... -
Key Sheets
Data formerly available Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in identifying historical survey information in Western Australia. Contains... -
Land Tenure (de-identified) (LGATE-457)
This dataset should be used in place of Land Tenure (LGATE-226) where data users do not require proprietor names for their business purposes. Information contained within this... -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment Conversion Table
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in... -
Survey Index Cards
Static extract of historic Survey Index Card data formerly available in Landgate's Land Enquiry System. Contains information relating to: District Name/Location i.e. Abbotts... -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment Reference
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in... -
Lodged Cadastre (Point) (LGATE-220)
Lodged Cadastre (Point) (LGATE-220) is a subscription service and restricted produced weekly. It is part of the Spatial Cadastre Database (SCDB) which is an integrated database... -
Lodged Cadastre (Line) (LGATE-221)
Is part of the Spatial Cadastre Database (SCDB) which is an integrated database comprising of a number of datasets (layers)of digital spatial data, defining all Crown and... -
Cancelled Reserve Detail (LGATE-319)
This data set contains historical information that relates to cancelled reserves within Western Australia. Please note that this is a tabular dataset and contains no geometry,...