DFES Regions (DFES-015)
This dataset consists of polygon data showing the DFES regional boundaries. -
UXO Potential (DFES-034)
The information within this dataset is made available in the understanding that the Western Australian Government, its agencies, instrumentalities and officers will not be... -
Fire and Rescue Services District (DFES-016)
Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) Fire District boundaries define the gazetted descriptions of fire station districts, based upon cadastral information. PURPOSE: The file shows the... -
DFES Stations (DFES-023)
This dataset consists of point data showing the verified location of DFES Stations and Offices. -
DBCA Burn Options Program (DBCA-007)
The DBCA Burn Options Program dataset depicts prescribed burns of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions that are planned to take place over the next... -
DBCA Current Bushfire Season Fire Scars (DBCA-008)
Fire scar information from bushfires that were active during the current fire season, and have not yet been added to the Department of Biodievristy, Conservation and Attractions... -
ESL DFES Polygons (DFES-013)
Emergency Services Levy (ESL) boundaries define the gazetted descriptions of ESL category based upon cadastral information. The boundaries have been gazetted by the Department... -
DBCA Active and Planned Prescribed Burns
Current active and planned prescribed burns, as undertaken by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Formerly DPAW-001. This layer is a ‘live’ dataset... -
DBCA 3 Year Burn Options Program (DBCA-009)
The BCA 3 Year Burn Options Program dataset depicts prescribed burns that are planned by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions to take place over the next... -
DBCA Going Bushfires (DBCA-001)
(Restricted and Public Data) Active authorised bushfire boundaries of incidents managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). Formerly layer... -
DBCA Fuel Age: SW Forest (DBCA-005)
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Fuel Age dataset is derived from the departments Fire History dataset. It shows the years since each area of... -
Restricted Roads (LGATE-134)
This road centreline dataset is derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB). It is a comprehensive depiction of the state’s... -
DBCA Control Lines (DBCA-002)
Control lines (complete or proposed) implemented by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions for active bushfire incidents. Formerly DPaW-003. -
DBCA Fuel Age: Non Forest (DBCA-004)
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Fuel Age dataset is derived from the departments Fire History dataset. It shows the years since each area of... -
DBCA Traffic Management (DBCA-003)
Traffic management information relating to bushfire incidents that are managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Formerly DPaW-006. -
Large Scale Topo Cultural Feature (Point) (LGATE-142)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general cultural type. A single point that describes a feature's location. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large... -
DBCA Unauthorised Bushfire Boundaries (DBCA-058)
Active unauthorised bushfire boundaries of incidents managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.