EPP 2011 Western Swamp Tortoise Policy Boundary (DWER-062)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia - Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat) Policy 2011. This policy protects... -
Peel Inlet - Harvey Estuary (DWER-066)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia - Peel Harvey EPP Environmental Protection (Peel Inlet - Harvey Estuary) Policy 1992. This... -
Kwinana - Atmospheric Waste Policy Boundary (DWER-065)
Kwinana is a major heavy industrial area 30 km south of Perth, Western Australia. Most industry is concentrated in a strip of land about eight kilometres long bordering the... -
Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat (DWER-071)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia - Environmental Protection (Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat) Policy 2011. This policy protects... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Barriers – 2012
This layer shows the location of red crab barriers on Christmas. It was provided by to Geoscience by Christmas Island National Park staff in July 2012 as a shapefile. The only... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Crossings & Gates – 2012
Information on the location of red crab crossing grids and migration gates were provided to Geoscience Australia by Christmas Island National Park in July 2012 as shapefiles....