1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016)
The 1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016) is one of three digital data layers that make up the 1:500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The other two are... -
Soil landscape mapping - Zones (DPIRD-017)
Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the zones level of the soil-landscape mapping hierarchy. Zones derived from soil-landscape mapping (best available) Version... -
Medium Scale Topo Points of Interest (LGATE-135)
Topographic medium scale points of interest dataset including the following categories: Recreation, Industry, Hospitality, Defence, Community Services, Emergency Services,... -
DMIRS Core Library Drill Holes (DMIRS-004)
Index to mineral core stored by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. This mineral drillcore is usually obtained from mineral exploration companies and is... -
Regolith of WA - 500 metre grid (DMIRS-017)
The digital 1:500 000 regolith map of Western Australia (preliminary edition) is based on published GSWA 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 series geological maps. These maps have been... -
Soil landscape land quality - Flood Risk (DPIRD-007)
Flood risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report 298,... -
1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-014)
The primary 1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-014) is one of four digital data layers that make up the 1:2 500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The... -
Mineral Field Boundaries (DMIRS-005)
The state of Western Australia is divided into various mineral fields, some are further divided into districts under powers contained in Section 16 of the Mining Act 1978. This... -
1:100 000 Geological Map Sheet Index (DMIRS-048)
This dataset is a 1:100 000 geological map sheet index for available surface geological maps and State interpreted bedrock geology produced by the Geological Survey of Western... -
1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology structural lines (DMIRS-013)
The 1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology structural lines (DMIRS-013) is one of four digital data layers that make up the 1:2 500 000 geological map of Western... -
Soil landscape land quality - Phosphorus Export Risk (DPIRD-010)
Phosphorus Export risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical... -
1966 Geology map of Christmas Island
This dataset has been digitised from the 1:27400 1966 Geology map of Christmas Island. Geoscience Australia used ArcInfo to digitise a scanned version of the map. Once digitised... -
Regolith of WA - 1300 metre grid (DMIRS-018)
The digital 1:500 000 regolith map of Western Australia (preliminary edition) is based on published GSWA 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 series geological maps. These maps have been... -
MAGIX Geophysics - Survey area (DMIRS-055)
MAGIX is a register and repository of geophysical survey datasets held by the Geophysics Section in Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA). Most datasets in MAGIX are... -
Medium Scale Topo Fuzzy Land (Line) (LGATE-097)
This featureclass contains multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge for various cultural features such as built up and cleared areas. This information is... -
Medium Scale Topo Inland Flat (Polygon) (LGATE-099)
Water features that relate to the interior of the country. Multiple points that describe the feature’s perimeter © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use... -
Medium Scale Topo Fuzzy Land (Point) (LGATE-098)
This featureclass contains single points that identify a feature's location for various cultural features such as built up and cleared areas. This information is similar to the... -
Christmas Island Old Drill Lines Clearing
In early 2011 PRL provided Geoscience Australia with the Old Drill Hole Clearing dataset. This dataset shows the location of old drill lines cleared through the rainforest on... -
1:50 000 Geological Map Sheet Index (DMIRS-094)
This dataset is a 1:50 000 geological map sheet index for available geological maps produced by the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA). -
Geological Fault Lineations Christmas Island
This dataset relates to the supposed fault/fracture lines which has been digitised from the 1:27400 geology map of Christmas Island created by J. Barrie in 1966. Geoscience...