Health Hospitals (HEALTH-001)
Public and private acute hospital , acute/rehab Hospital , nursing Post , palliative care hospital , psych hospital. The list is updated through a combination of our own... -
Forest Disease Risk Areas (DBCA-024)
Administrative boundaries which delineate areas of forest / vegetation subject to the risk of infection from 'dieback' - a highly contagious fungal disease. Strict quarantine... -
Health Districts (HEALTH-002)
The state of Western Australia divided into Health Districts. © Government of Western Australia 2014. Department of Health. -
Health Regions (HEALTH-003)
The state of Western Australia divided into Health Regions. -
Food Access and Costs Survey March 2014 (HEALTH-005)
Food Access and Costs Survey 2014 locations include Community stores and a sample of Supermarkets. -
Health Services (HEALTH-006)
The state of Western Australia divided into Health Services -
Mosquito Borne Virus Risk (HEALTH-004)
Mosquito Borne Virus Risk