Local Government Area (LGA) Boundaries (LGATE-233)
For legal purposes, the extents of Local Government areas (described as Local Government Districts within the relevant legislation) are determined by technical description and... -
Localities (LGATE-234)
Locality Boundaries for the State of Western Australia. Generally, Post Code boundaries coincide with the Locality boundaries. Derived from the Spatial Cadastral Database... -
Townsites (LGATE-248)
This layer supersedes Townsites (LGATE-007) Townsites are the urban centres described by technical description. A townsite must be approved (by document) by the Minister for... -
Drainage Pipes Wanneroo (WAN-001)
City of Wanneroo Drainage pipes. -
AACC Regions LGA Concordance
List of Local Government Areas (LGAs) and which AACC Region they fit into. Since the AACC Data Warehouse Regions are based on ABS Statistical Areas 2 (SA2) they DO NOT match... -
Drainage Nodes Wanneroo (WAN-002)
City of Wanneroo Drainage Nodes. -
2D Road Surfaces (LGATE-357)
This dataset is an AI extracted topographic feature polygon indicating the location of road surfaces, both sealed and unsealed. This dataset was provisioned through CaptureWA...