Mining Tenements (DMIRS-003)
Live and Pending Mining Tenement Data referencing both surveyed and unsurveyed mining tenements as they appear spatially within the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry... -
Operating Mines
MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based enquiry system for textual information on mine, deposits, prospects, etc., and related infrastructure. The Operating Mine Map... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Perth (2034 II)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016)
The 1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-016) is one of three digital data layers that make up the 1:500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The other two are... -
Minedex (DMIRS-001)
Mines and mineral deposits of Western Australia: a spatial extract from MINEDEX database. MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based, inquiry system for textual information... -
Oil and gas fields (points)
The Oil and Gas fields (points) is a dataset which contains a point representation of the location of oil and gas fields for display on map products. -
Section 57 2(aa) Mineralization zones - WA Mining Act (DMIRS-045)
Mineralisation Zones are areas of the state that represent Brown Field areas where only 70 Block exploration licence applications are permitted. Outside of these areas (Green... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Yarraloola (SF50-06)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Yarraloola region of... -
Tenements - Release pending (DMIRS-030)
Depicts those areas within related current Exploration Licences due for release under Sec 65 of the Mining Act -
Major Resources Projects
MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based enquiry system for textual information on mine, deposits, prospects, etc., and related infrastructure. The Major Resources Projects... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Kalgoorlie ed2 (SH51-09)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Kalgoorlie region of... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Perth - Ledge Point (SH50-14 - SH50-13)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Perth and Ledge Point... -
Tenements - Amalgamation pending (DMIRS-031)
Pending Exploration Licence Amalgamation applications as referred to in section 67A of the Western Australian Mining Act 1978. Where an applicant is the holder of both an... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Albany (2427 I)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Fremantle (2033 IV)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Kalgoorlie (3136)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Kalgoorlie region of... -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Cue (2443)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Cue region of Western... -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Cheritons Find (2834)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Cheritons Find region... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Bunbury-Burekuo (2031 III)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
WA Petroleum Special Prospecting Authorities (DMIRS-008)
The Western Australian Special Prospecting Authority with Acreage Option (WAPSPAAO) digital data set contains current and pending Petroleum Act Special Prospecting Authorities...