Abandoned Mines
The Abandoned Mine Sites database is an inventory of abandoned mine sites recommended by the Minerals Environment Liaison Committee in 1994. Following a fatal accident at an... -
Operating Mines
MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based enquiry system for textual information on mine, deposits, prospects, etc., and related infrastructure. The Operating Mine Map... -
File Notation Area (DMIRS-002)
File Notation Areas (FNA) as they appear spatially within the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s TENGRAPH system. File Notation Areas are any proposed land transaction, or... -
Mineral exploration drillholes (open file) (DMIRS-046)
Open file Company Mineral Drillhole Database containing historic drillholes. The database is an aid to mineral exploration in Western Australia. Under the Mining Act 1978... -
Mineral exploration reports (WAMEX) (DMIRS-033)
Mineral exploration reports (WAMEX online) This is the spatial data for the public, open file, reports contained in the WAMEX database. The WAMEX (WA Mineral EXploration)... -
Regolith of WA - 500 metre grid (DMIRS-017)
The digital 1:500 000 regolith map of Western Australia (preliminary edition) is based on published GSWA 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 series geological maps. These maps have been... -
DMIRS Core Library Drill Holes (DMIRS-004)
Index to mineral core stored by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. This mineral drillcore is usually obtained from mineral exploration companies and is... -
WA Petroleum Titles (DMIRS-011)
The WA Petroleum Title (formerly WAPMAP) digital data set contains all granted Petroleum Titles. The data is held in GDA94 latitude and longitude coordinates. This dataset was... -
1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-014)
The primary 1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology (DMIRS-014) is one of four digital data layers that make up the 1:2 500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The... -
Mineral Field Boundaries (DMIRS-005)
The state of Western Australia is divided into various mineral fields, some are further divided into districts under powers contained in Section 16 of the Mining Act 1978. This... -
1:500 000 State linear structures layer (DMIRS-015)
The 1:500 000 State linear structures layer (DMIRS-015) is one of three digital data layers that make up the 1:500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The other two are the... -
1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology structural lines (DMIRS-013)
The 1:2 500 000 State interpreted bedrock geology structural lines (DMIRS-013) is one of four digital data layers that make up the 1:2 500 000 geological map of Western... -
WA Petroleum Releases (DMIRS-009)
The Western Australian Petroleum Releases (WAPRELEASE) digital data set contains any current Gazetted Petroleum release areas pertinent to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse... -
WA Petroleum Applications (DMIRS-010)
The Western Australian Petroleum Applications (WAPAPPLICATIONS) data set contains all title applications pending approval and pertinent to the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy... -
Regolith of WA - 1300 metre grid (DMIRS-018)
The digital 1:500 000 regolith map of Western Australia (preliminary edition) is based on published GSWA 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 series geological maps. These maps have been... -
Titanium-Zircon Mineralisation (DMIRS-012)
The titanium-zircon mineral industry operates in the high-profile settled parts of the Swan Coastal Plain of SW Australia. Currently probably several billion dollars-worth of... -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Woodley (2642)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and fault lines, to produce a geological plan of the Woodley region of... -
Hallberg geochemistry
Whole rock chemistry for 1821 samples of greenstone from the Yilgarn Craton have been compiled from a variety of sources by J. A. Hallberg. Data sources include university... -
Windimurra 3D geology
The Windimurra, 2015: 3D Geomodel Series contains both 3D and 2D geoscientific data that complements GSWA Record 2015/12. Themes vary between 3D and 2D, with the emphasis being... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Mongeragarry (1841 I)
Specific mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, topography and cultural features. The map was published in 1968.