Drainage Pipes
City of Canning Open Data Portal shows location of Drainage Pipes within the City of Canning and is provided for information only. This data set is presented as polylines /... -
Drainage Pits
City of Canning Open Data Portal shows location of Drainage Pits within the City of Canning and is provided for information only. This data set is presented as points.This... -
Drainage Gross Pollutant Trap
City of Canning opendata drainage Drainage Gully Pit Trap -
Surface Drains
City of Canning Open Data Portal shows location of Surface Drains within the City of Canning and is provided for information only. This data set is presented as polylines /... -
Stormwater end
Description for the shape or csv file -
Drainage Headwall
City of Canning opendata drainage Head/End Wall -
Street Bins
Centroid of City of Canning's Street bins. This does not included advertisements attached to this asset.This dataset can also be accessed via the WFS Link: WFS GetCapabilities -
Street Seats
Centroid of City of Canning's Street Seats. This does not included advertisements attached to this asset.This dataset can also be accessed via the WFS Link: WFS GetCapabilities -
Footpath Polygons
City of Canning Open Data Portal shows location of footpath polygons within the City of Canning and is provided for information only. This data set is presented as polygons.The... -
Footpath Centreline
City of Canning Open Data Portal shows location of footpath centrelines within the City of Canning and is provided for information only. This data set is presented as polylines... -
Footpath Routable
City of Canning Open Data Portal shows location of footpath centrelines, crossings and verge lines within the City of Canning to provide a routable pedestrian network and is...