SWAN Bioplan Peel Sector 2010 (DWER-069)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia. This dataset represents the spatial boundary of the Swan Bioplan Peel Sector. © Government of... -
Floreat Beach 2 - Dense Point Cloud - Jan 2019
This is the second 3D data model of Floreat Beach UAV imagery captured on 8th Jan 2019 for the Cambridge Coastcare beach dune modelling and monitoring project. It was created as... -
State Environment Policy Cockburn Protection Levels 2010 (DWER-068)
This data represents the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia. This dataset represents the spatial boundaries of the SEP Cockburn Protection Levels. The... -
Green Leaf Index Analytics - XLSX - Jan 2020
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Floreat Beach 4 - Contour lines - Aug 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 4 - Raster DSM GeoTIFF - Aug 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 4 - 3D Textured Mesh - Aug 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Test Point (ATCO-036)
A Test point is apart of the Cathodic protection system when the wire runs between a test point and a metallic pipe. Cathodic protection helps prevent rust on a metallic pipe... -
Floreat Beach 3 - Dense Point Cloud - May 2019
This is the third 3D data model of Floreat Beach UAV imagery captured on 15th May 2019 for the Cambridge Coastcare beach dune modelling and monitoring project. It was created as... -
Floreat Beach 1 - Dense Point Cloud - Oct 2018
This is the first 3D data model of Floreat Beach UAV imagery captured on 9th Oct 2018 for the Cambridge Coastcare beach dune modelling and monitoring project. It was created as... -
IBSA Survey Details (DWER-118)
The Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessments (IBSA) project facilitates the capture of biodiversity data from land-based biodiversity field surveys, supporting assessments... -
Floreat Beach 1 - Contour lines - Oct 2018
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 2 - 3D Textured Mesh - Jan 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 2 - Orthomosaic JPEG2000 - Jan 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 4 - Green Index Image - Aug 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 3 - Raster DSM GeoTIFF - May 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 1 - 3D Textured Mesh - Oct 2018
There is no description for this dataset
Floreat Beach 3 - Green Index Image - May 2019
There is no description for this dataset
Bond Wire (ATCO-035)
A bond wire is apart of the Cathodic protection system and the wire runs between a test point and a metallic pipe. Cathodic protection helps prevent rust on a metallic pipe with... -
Floreat Beach 4 - Raster DTM GeoTIFF - Aug 2019
There is no description for this dataset