Local Government Area (LGA) Boundaries (LGATE-233)
For legal purposes, the extents of Local Government areas (described as Local Government Districts within the relevant legislation) are determined by technical description and... -
Western Australian Schools Lists
All schools (public & private) in the state are listed. Contact details such as postal, street address and telephone numbers are also available. For further information or... -
Localities (LGATE-234)
Locality Boundaries for the State of Western Australia. Generally, Post Code boundaries coincide with the Locality boundaries. Derived from the Spatial Cadastral Database... -
Roads (Simplified) (LGATE-195)
This road centreline dataset is heavily modified and derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB) and excludes proposed roads.... -
Geodetic Survey Marks (Point) (LGATE-076)
Contains horizontal and vertical coordinates and selected attributes of Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). This dataset is complemented by LGATE-199 which... -
Locate Mosaic (LGATE-322)
This public base layer imagery is a whole of State layer configured as a flattened and seamless single service. It can be used as a background in conjunction with other data... -
Heritage Council WA - State Register (DPLH-006)
The State Register of Heritage Places recognises a place's value and importance to Western Australia. It includes buildings, structures, gardens, cemeteries, landscapes and... -
Public Transport Authority Service Routes (PTA-002)
All service routes and related information for public transport bus, train and ferry services providing state wide coverage. -
Townsites (LGATE-248)
This layer supersedes Townsites (LGATE-007) Townsites are the urban centres described by technical description. A townsite must be approved (by document) by the Minister for... -
Native Title (NNTT) (LGATE-004)
This dataset contains the external spatial extent of all Native Title Applications within Western Australia that have been registered with the National Native Title Tribunal... -
Native Title (Determination) (LGATE-066)
This dataset contains the external spatial extent of all Native Title Applications within Western Australia that have been determined by the Federal Court of Australia. This... -
Public Transport Authority Stops (PTA-001)
All service routes and related information for public transport bus, train and ferry services providing state wide coverage. -
Native Title (ILUA) (LGATE-067)
This dataset contains the external spatial extent of all Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA) within Western Australia, which has been registered or is in notification with the... -
Overview Towns (LGATE-054)
This dataset is derived from data stored in Landgate’s medium scale Topographic Geodatabase (TGDB). It provides a very broad view of the states population centres. License... -
Medium Scale Topo Contour (Line) (LGATE-015)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to the land surface of the Earth, both exposed and underwater. Imaginary line joining points of equal elevation... -
State Electorates [Current] (LGATE-069)
MLA and MLC boundaries are updated every four years prior to the state elections. The current electoral dataset depicts the State Electoral Districts and Regions that were used... -
NNTT Determination Outcomes (LGATE-173)
The source for this data has changed and updates to the SLIP dataset ceased. This is a federal layer and can be sourced elsewhere. Link... -
Heritage Council WA - Heritage Agreements (DPLH-005)
Heritage Agreements are entered into between a property owner and the Heritage Council or another public authority on behalf of the State in return for planning approval or... -
Public Transport Authority Rail Distance Measures (PTA-005)
Distance measures along PTA-controlled railway lines, measured from established origin points. Used for locating assets along railway corridors, and providing a common frame of... -
Heritage Council WA - Assessment Program (DPLH-007)
When a place is on the Heritage Council’s Assessment Program, it means that the Heritage Council has an interest in the place and it will be assessed and considered for...