Roads (Simplified) (LGATE-195)
This road centreline dataset is heavily modified and derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB) and excludes proposed roads.... -
Coastal Infrastructure Line (DOT-019)
Spatial representation of Department of Transport (DoT) (WA) assets and other significant coastal infrastructure identifiable on currently available imagery. The Lines feature... -
Restricted Roads (LGATE-134)
This road centreline dataset is derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB). It is a comprehensive depiction of the state’s... -
Christmas Island Road Network – 2013 Update
In May 2013, the Christmas Island road layer (as used in the NATMAP 1:30,000k general reference map of Christmas Island) was updated using the 2011 orthophotography and data... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Barriers – 2012
This layer shows the location of red crab barriers on Christmas. It was provided by to Geoscience by Christmas Island National Park staff in July 2012 as a shapefile. The only... -
2D Road Surfaces (LGATE-357)
This dataset is an AI extracted topographic feature polygon indicating the location of road surfaces, both sealed and unsealed. This dataset was provisioned through CaptureWA... -
Roads - Dedications and Closures - 2004
A static historical database of road dedications and closures used for research purposes based on information originally sourced from analogue Road Cards. This tabular database... -
Red Crab Migration Infrastructure - Crab Crossings & Gates – 2012
Information on the location of red crab crossing grids and migration gates were provided to Geoscience Australia by Christmas Island National Park in July 2012 as shapefiles.... -
Proposed Roads (Simplified) (LGATE-196)
This road centreline dataset is heavily modified and derived from the Road segment layer of Landgate’s medium scale Topographic GeoDatabase (TGDB). It has been developed for... -
Cocos Islands - Road Centrelines 2013
Lineage: Cocos road locations and road names were provided by Main Roads WA to Geoscience Australia in April 2013. This data was integrated with the existing 1:30,000 road... -
Aboriginal Housing Services As Constructed - road_poly (DOC-018)
This dataset contains sealed and unsealed roads for selected remote Aboriginal settlements in Western Australia. These polygon features have been derived from as-constructed... -
2D Bridges (LGATE-349)
This dataset is an AI extracted topographic feature polygon indicating the location of bridges. This dataset was provisioned through CaptureWA with the approval of WALIS... -
Deep Learning Road Surfaces 2023 (LGATE-482)
Road Surfaces derived from imagery captured across Western Australia using a deep learning algorithm. The algorithm was created in-house within Landgate to demonstrate to... -
Deep Learning Road Surfaces 2024 (LGATE-486)
Road Surfaces derived from imagery captured across Western Australia using a deep learning algorithm. The algorithm was created in-house within Landgate to demonstrate to...