Cadastre Address (LGATE-002)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia with an added address attribute for the parent land... -
Heritage Council WA - State Register (DPLH-006)
The State Register of Heritage Places recognises a place's value and importance to Western Australia. It includes buildings, structures, gardens, cemeteries, landscapes and... -
Overview Towns (LGATE-054)
This dataset is derived from data stored in Landgate’s medium scale Topographic Geodatabase (TGDB). It provides a very broad view of the states population centres. License... -
State Electorates [Current] (LGATE-069)
MLA and MLC boundaries are updated every four years prior to the state elections. The current electoral dataset depicts the State Electoral Districts and Regions that were used... -
Heritage Council WA - Heritage Agreements (DPLH-005)
Heritage Agreements are entered into between a property owner and the Heritage Council or another public authority on behalf of the State in return for planning approval or... -
State Forests (LGATE-246)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, State Forests are suitable areas set aside or reserved as State Forests and set under the control of the Commissioner for... -
State Border (LGATE-245)
This layer supersedes State Border (LGATE-194) The State Border of Western Australia, which separates WA from South Australia and the Northern Territory, and situated... -
Heritage Council WA - Assessment Program (DPLH-007)
When a place is on the Heritage Council’s Assessment Program, it means that the Heritage Council has an interest in the place and it will be assessed and considered for... -
Overview Rivers (LGATE-053)
This dataset is derived from layers stored in Landgate’s medium scale Topographic Geodatabase (TGDB). They provide a broad view of the states population centres and roads and... -
Heritage Council WA - Protection Orders (DPLH-004)
Protection Orders provide special protection to Western Australian places of cultural heritage significance from the likelihood of damage. For more information contact the... -
Overview Roads (LGATE-052)
This dataset is derived from layers stored in Landgate’s medium scale Topographic Geodatabase (TGDB). They provide a broad view of the states population centres and roads and...