Cadastre Address (LGATE-002)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia with an added address attribute for the parent land... -
Historical Plans - Metropolitan Sewerage Scheme (SRO-001)
Historical survey plans created by the Metropolitan Water Works Board (and successor departments) in preparation for a sewerage scheme for the Perth metropolitan area. The... -
Cadastre (No Attributes) (LGATE-001)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. The dataset covers the State of Western Australia... -
Geodetic Survey Marks (Point) (LGATE-076)
Contains horizontal and vertical coordinates and selected attributes of Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). This dataset is complemented by LGATE-199 which... -
Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-218)
Changes will be applied to this dataset resulting from the implementation of the Community Titles Act 2018. These changes will be applied 9th February 2022 - please refer to the... -
Composite Surfaces - Multibeam LIDAR Laser (DOT-022)
Images of DOT bathymetric composite surfaces (LIDAR, multibeam and Laser) with colour ramp and hill shading applied. This polygon feature class represents the extents of the... -
Bathymetry Imagery
Raster data coverage of DoT Bathymetry Surveys -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment Detail
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in... -
GDA94 Landgate Project Grids (LGATE-214)
The dataset defines the extents and parameters for each of the GDA94 Landgate project grids. Project grids provide a Transverse Mercator (TM) based standard for the interchange... -
Roadside Conservation - Road Centerline (DBCA-030)
The Roadside Conservation Committee (RCC) surveys were initiated to assist Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and local communities in the protection, maintenance and... -
Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222)
Community Titles Act changes coming Feb 2022 - refer to the Data Dictionary here-in Lodged Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-222) is a digital representation of all survey documents... -
Lands and Surveys Historic Map Series
Bibliographic data and links to persistent URL of Lands & Surveys Western Australian Historic Map Series of the 1880-1890s, showing State Land Divisions, pastoral leases... -
Geodetic Survey Mark Reference Marks (Point) (LGATE-199)
This dataset complements LGATE-076. It contains horizontal and vertical coordinates of Reference Marks (RM) for Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). The attributes... -
Living in the Regions
Living in the Regions is a comprehensive survey of the attitudes and perceptions of regional Western Australians. -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in... -
Key Sheets
Data formerly available Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in identifying historical survey information in Western Australia. Contains... -
Geodetic Survey Network Observations (LGATE-261)
Contains survey observations stored in the Landgate GEodetic Survey MArk Register. The dataset includes the observation types: Angles, Distances, Azimuths, GNSS Baselines and... -
Point Survey Index (DOT-021)
Bounding boxes for DOT hydrographic point surveys (Singlebeam, levels) including URL to zipped point files stored on Amazon cloud. This polygon feature class represents the... -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment Conversion Table
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in... -
Historical Crown Allotment - Crown Allotment Reference
Data formerly available through the Historical Crown Allotment Enquiry search function in Landgate's Land Enquiry System (LEN). Primarily used a resource to assist in...