Large Scale Topo Cultural Feature (Point) (LGATE-142)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general cultural type. A single point that describes a feature's location. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large... -
Large Scale Topo General Transport (Point) (LGATE-148)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general transport nature. A single point that describes a feature's location. © Western Australian Land Information... -
Medium Scale Topo Industrial (Polygon) (LGATE-110)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general industrial type. Multiple points that describe the feature’s perimeter. © Western Australian Land Information... -
Medium Scale Topo Tower (Point) (LGATE-104)
A tall framework or structure, the elevation of which is functional. A single point that describes a feature's location. © Western Australian Land Information Authority... -
Christmas Island Water Resources - Basal Aquifer - Brackish
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Large Scale Topo Industrial Feature (Line) (LGATE-152)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general industrial type. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. NOTE: Landgate no longer... -
Christmas Island Water Resources – Zone of high brackish-saline water infiltration
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Large Scale Topo Cultural Feature (Line) (LGATE-141)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general cultural type. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. NOTE: Landgate no longer... -
Large Scale Topo Tower (Point) (LGATE-163)
A tall framework or structure, the elevation of which is functional. A single point that describes a feature's location. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large scale... -
Large Scale Topo Water (Point) (LGATE-168)
Water features that relate to the interior of the country. A single point that describes a feature's location. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large scale topographic... -
Christmas Island Water Resources - Zone of very high vulnerability
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from... -
Medium Scale Topo Transport Facility (Polygon) (LGATE-118)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to a single or group of buildings and associated facilities functioning together as a unit. © Western Australian Land... -
Christmas Island Building Outlines 2011
Building polygons were created in February 2013 by Geoscience Australia by manually digitising the outline of each building off the 2011 orthophotography. Digitisation was done... -
Medium Scale Topo Place (Point) (LGATE-116)
A place at which there is or was relatively minor human occupation or activity. Contact: Ph: 9273 7341 BusinessSolutions@landgate.wa.gov.au © Western Australian Land Information... -
Christmas Island Utilities – Fuel Lines
Utilities data were supplied to Geoscience Australia by Gutteridge Haskins & Davey Pty Ltd (GHD) on 25th May 2001. Utilities data supplied included fuel related... -
Large Scale Topo Morphology (Point) (LGATE-159)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to landform. A single point that describes a feature's location. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large scale... -
Medium Scale Topo Framework (Polygon) / Coastline (LGATE-120)
The line of contact between the ocean/sea and the land as best interpreted from ortho-imagery. This is a polygonised version of the Framework Line (LGATE-121) dataset more... -
Large Scale Topo Morphology (Line) (LGATE-158)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to landform. Multiple points that describe a feature’s centreline or edge. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large... -
Large Scale Topo Industrial Feature (Point) (LGATE-153)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics are of a general industrial type. A single point that describes a feature's location. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large... -
Christmas Island Water Resources - Perched Aquifer - Fresh
Water resources data for Christmas Island were assembled as part of ongoing groundwater investigations and monitoring undertaken on Christmas Island during the period from...