Local Government Area (LGA) Boundaries (LGATE-233)
For legal purposes, the extents of Local Government areas (described as Local Government Districts within the relevant legislation) are determined by technical description and... -
Cadastre (Polygon) (LGATE-217)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. It represents all crown land (land owned by the State) and... -
DBCA Long Trails (DBCA-027)
Long Trails as managed by the DBCA Tracks and Trails Unit. Long Trails include the Cape to Cape Walk Track, Munda Biddi Cycle Trail and the Bibbulmun Track. As well as spatial... -
Beach Emergency Numbers (BEN) Signage (DPIRD-054)
The Beach Emergency Numbers (BEN) system is a coding system, designed to improve emergency response times by installing signs with unique numbers at beach access points. These... -
Water Hydrant (WCORP-070)
Water Corporation access point for the conveyance of water to fire services -
Water Pipe (WCORP-002)
This dataset contains Centrelines only for all the Trunk, Distribution & Reticulation Water Mains in all the locations where the Water Corporation is licensed to provide... -
Distribution Overhead Powerlines (WP-031)
This data set describes approximate overhead power line routes associated with Western Power's Distribution network. © Western Power 2017 WARNING: This data should be considered... -
Reserves (LGATE-227)
This dataset is a digital representation of lands set aside as Crown Reserve within the State of Western Australia. The SLIP Crown Reserve dataset contains current Crown... -
Local Planning Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-071)
The zones and reserves dataset shows the zoning for the whole State where there is a Local Planning Scheme in place. This dataset have been standardised where the zone number... -
Region Scheme - Zones and Reserves (DPLH-023)
The Region schemes provides a statutory mechanism to assist strategic planning, the coordination of major infrastructure and sets aside areas for regional open space and other... -
Water Bore (WCORP-073)
Water Corporation access point for subsurface water delivery -
Cadastre (Land) (LGATE-218)
Changes will be applied to this dataset resulting from the implementation of the Community Titles Act 2018. These changes will be applied 9th February 2022 - please refer to the... -
Perth Townsite 1838
Perth 18. Plan from actual survey of Township of Perth showing Lots, Streets & Lakes bounded by Perth Water to South, Ellen Street to North, Mt Eliza to West & Swan... -
Transmission Overhead Powerlines (WP-032)
This data set describes approximate overhead power lines routes associated with Western Power's Transmission network. © Western Power 2017 WARNING: This data should be... -
Sewer Connection (WCORP-084)
Water Corporation property connection to a Sewer gravity pipe -
Property Street Address (LGATE-251)
Western Australia Property Street Address Data. Landgate maintains Property Street Address details in conjunction with input from Local Government agencies who are responsible... -
State Library of Western Australia Digitised Maps 1840-1985
This dataset contains bibliographic records and persistent URLs for the digitised maps held within the State Library of Western Australia’s map collection, including cadastral... -
Substations/Terminals/Power Stations (WP-046)
The Existing Substations/Terminals/Power Stations polygon layer, indicating the majority of the facilities of the following types contained within the SWIS: Current Western... -
Electrical Pillars (WP-041)
This data set describes the approximate location of ground mounted connection points associated with Western Power's Distribution network. These are often referred to as “Green... -
Distribution Underground Cables (WP-034)
This data set describes the approximate location of buried power lines associated with Western Power's Distribution network. © Western Power 2017 WARNING: This data should be...