Albany 1834 (Early Townsite of Albany & Environs)
AU WA S241- cons3850 08 Map of Albany and its environs, drawn and reduced from R Clint's survey by W K Shenton, 28 August 1834. Further Information available from State Records... -
Krantz & Sheldon Architectural images
Bibliographic data and links to persistent URL of digital object for the Krantz & Sheldon Architectural images. Approximately 1000. -
Early Townsite of Collie 1899
AU WA S235-cons3868 072 Collie 155/1. Collie. John Ewing [scale: 10 chains to 1 inch]. [Further Information (State Records Office)] -
1955 Perth Development Proposals
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 9 "Development Proposals" -
Heritage Council WA - Protection Orders (DPLH-004)
Protection Orders provide special protection to Western Australian places of cultural heritage significance from the likelihood of damage. For more information contact the... -
Heritage Inventory Central Perth Redevelopment Area (DEVWA-032)
The Central Perth Heritage Inventory (HI) comprises a list of heritage places that are of cultural heritage significance to both local and State communities. The places listed... -
In Memoriam Cards
Collection of "In Memoriam" cards with photographs of West Australians killed during the First World War, with brief biographical notes. -
Fitzroy River 1850
AU WA S236- cons3869 Kent 35 Vicinity of the Fitzroy River, Mt Campbell, Margaret & Cunningham Rivers by G.E. May, Fieldbooks 7 & 9 [scale: 8 chains to an inch,... -
Early Townsite of Busselton 1835
AU WA S235-cons3868 057 Busselton 27. Plan of the Townsite of Busselton by H. M. Ommanney, Assistant Surveyor. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series... -
Lands and Surveys Historic Map Series
Bibliographic data and links to persistent URL of Lands & Surveys Western Australian Historic Map Series of the 1880-1890s, showing State Land Divisions, pastoral leases... -
Oblique Aerial Imagery (LGATE-281)
Point Index of Oblique Aerial Imagery. © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions... -
Early Townsite of Northam 1871
AU WA S235- cons3868 270 Northam 13. Compilation Plan of Northam Townsite showing the Avon and Mortlock Rivers by C.H. Roe. Various Lots by F.T. Gregory and others. [scale: 8... -
Geolocation index for WA townsite plans - AU WA S2168
Geolocation and other data for townsite plans transcribed from "Cancelled public plans" and related plans of Western Australia 1865 - 1987. An inventory and catalogue edited by... -
Early Townsite of Augusta 1834 (Survey Map of Augusta)
AU WA S235- cons3868 016 Augusta 28. Augusta. Survey of west side of River. A. Hillman [Tally No. 005621]. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series S235 -... -
WABI subset: York
1859 York district Census. Entry is by name of person, Place of occupation, age, religion, occupation, literacy, arrival ship and date. Details of marriage, wife and children... -
Early Townsite of Hannans Find - Kalgoorlie 1894 (Kalgoorlie Town Plan)
AU WA S235- cons3868 185 Kalgoorlie 77. Plan of Hannans Find (later changed to Kalgoorlie) Lots 1 to 110. G. Claude Hamilton, 30/07/1894. [scale: 2 chains to an inch]. (2220 KB)... -
WWI Centenary Project
To mark the centenary of World War I, the State Library is in the process of digitising material relating to this conflict. Items include photographs, books, letters, diaries,... -
Garden Island to Port Leschenault - Bunbury 1829
Chart of coast between Garden Island and Port Leschenault by Lt. W. Preston by A. Hillman [Tally No. 005052]. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series... -
WA Theme Parks
A collection of WA's iconic theme parks from the 1980s. Many of these sites are still around today, but are either bigger, laying in ruins or modified versions of their former... -
1955 Perth Central Area Land Zoning
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 11 "Perth Central Area Zoning Proposals"