Early Townsite of Bridgetown 1896
AU WA S235-cons3868 043 Bridgetown 26/6. Townsite of Bridgetown (Lots to the South and S. West of Townsite). Compiled by Hogarth. Further Information available from State... -
1955 Perth Central Area Land Use
Plan for the Metropolitan Region 1955 Atlas by Gordon Stephenson and J.A. Hepburn; Plate 10 "Perth Central Area Land Use" -
State Library of Western Australia: WA Theatre Ephemera
These datasets contain bibliographic records and some persistent URLs for posters and programs of WA Theatre productions and company ephemera; as well as out of copyright... -
Early Townsite of Coolgardie 1898
AU WA S235-cons3868 079 Coolgardie 76/2. Coolgardie townsite. R. Gledden, G. C. Hamilton, J. O. Oxley [scale: 3 chains to 1 inch]. [Further Information (State Records Office)] -
WABI subset: Police
This index was compiled by Miss Mollie Bentley from various records she has used relating to the police. These include: Almanac listings, Colonial Secretary's Office Records,... -
Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour and Environs
© Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions unless otherwise authorised under... -
Early Townsite of Narrogin 1889
AU WA S235- cons3868 261 Narrogin 160. Plan of Narrogin Townsite showing Streets, watercourse, Narrogin Pool, Great Southern Railway, Good Shed and yard sidings by Charles R.... -
Bunbury Townsite 1849
There is no description for this dataset
Early Townsite of Dongara 1896 (Port Denison Town Plan)
AU WA S235- cons3868 098 Dongara 8. Dongara, as marked on the ground [scale: 4 chains to 1 inch, Tally No. 005672]. [Further Information (State Records Office)] -
Early Townsite of Esperance 1893
AU WA S235- cons3868 106 Esperance 67/1. Esperance Townsite, Lots 1 to 42, additional lots added to 82. R. Brazier 1893, W H Angrove 1894. Drawn by Murray [scale: 2 chains to 1... -
Early Townsite of Beverley 1860s
Beverley 15/2. Beverley - coloured working plan, G. Roe. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES -
Perth CBD 1965
© Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions unless otherwise authorised under... -
Zotero for archive.sro.wa.gov.au
Code for a zotero translator for the State Records Office of Western Australia's archive catalogue. -
Early Townsite of Broome
Broome 36. Townsite of Broome. J. S. Brooking. Further Information available from State Records Office. Series S235 - ORIGINAL PLANS - TOWNSITES -
Perth CBD 1948
© Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions unless otherwise authorised under... -
Early Townsite of Kalgoorlie
AU WA S235- cons3868 190 Kalgoorlie 77/7. Townsite of Kalgoorlie - new plan. G.G. Hogarths [scale: 3 chains to an inch]. Further Information (State Records Office) -
Arthur's Head Landuse Capability Survey, Fremantle 1838
AU WA S235- cons3868 112 Fremantle 19C. Plan of Arthur's Head showing the improvements made by Fremantle Whaling Company surveyed by A. Hillman, 1838 [scale: 1 chain to 1 inch,... -
Alkimos Ship Wreck 1963.img
© Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions unless otherwise authorised under... -
Perth CBD 1981
© Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions unless otherwise authorised under... -
Early Townsite of Carnarvon 1851
AU WA S235-cons3868 064 Carnarvon 16C/3. Carnarvon Townsite - plan of suburban lots. T. Beasley. Amended A. H. Richter 1947 and W. S. C. Brockway 1948. Richter Fieldbook 85,...