Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map 50K (DWER-049)
Data showing the risk of Potential Acid Sulfate Soil (PASS) materials that may be disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of PASS materials occurring... -
Bush Fire Prone Areas 2021 (OBRM-019)
The Bush Fire Prone Areas 2021 dataset (OBRM-019) identifies bush fire prone areas of Western Australia as designated by the Fire and Emergency Services (FES) Commissioner on 11... -
Medium Scale Topo Contour (Line) (LGATE-015)
Topographic features whose primary characteristics relate to the land surface of the Earth, both exposed and underwater. Imaginary line joining points of equal elevation... -
Coastline Movements - Vegetation Lines (DOT-023)
Spatial representation of coastline movements data for the Department of Transport (DoT) (WA). The Polyline feature class contains line work that represent the position of the... -
DBCA Region Boundaries (DBCA-022)
DPAW's administrative region boundaries as at June 2016. was formally DPAW Region Boundaries (DPAW-033) -
Urban Forest Mesh Blocks - 2016 (DPLH-042)
Based on Landgate’s high resolution aerial imagery, CSIRO generate the Urban Monitor mosaic from which vegetation height strata of endemic and exotic species has been calculated... -
Coastline (LGATE-070)
Generalised 250k coastline overview of Western Australia. © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License... -
EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves 1976-1991 (DBCA-029)
The EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves contains the boundaries of areas recommended for conservation by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western... -
RIWI Act, Groundwater Areas (DWER-034)
Groundwater areas proclaimed under the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act, 1914. For the purposes of groundwater resource management, the state of Western Australia is divided... -
DBCA South West Vegetation Complex Statistics
Please note: These reports are provided as a historic archive only and are not current. If you have an ongoing requirement to use the statistics, to meet a legislative or policy... -
RIWI Act, Surface Water Areas and Irrigation Districts (DWER-037)
The Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 provides the Governor of Western Australia the power to proclaim or prescribe through regulation a Surface Water Area. A Surface... -
Forest Blocks (DBCA-025)
The forest block boundaries are administrative boundaries by which CALM manages its Sustainable Forest Management. Formally Forest Blocks (DPAW-016) -
Swan and Canning River - Development Control Area (DBCA-028)
The Swan Canning Development Control Area includes the waters of the Swan River (upstream of the Fremantle Port Authority boundary), Avon River (to its confluence with Moondyne... -
Wild Rivers (DWER-087)
Wild Rivers are rivers that are largely unchanged natural systems, where biological and hydrological processes continue without significant disturbance. They occur in a variety... -
Black Cockatoo Breeding Sites - Buffered (DBCA-063)
Sites where Black-Cockatoos (generally Carnaby’s) are confirmed to be breeding. Breeding is inferred based on surveys which have recorded either birds entering/leaving the nest... -
FPM Flood Level Points (m AHD) (DWER-019)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Soil landscape mapping - Zones (DPIRD-017)
Soil-landscape mapping covering Western Australia at the zones level of the soil-landscape mapping hierarchy. Zones derived from soil-landscape mapping (best available) Version... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Confirmed Roost Sites (DBCA-050)
Describes the currently known and confirmed night roost areas for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo in the South - West of Western Australia. This layer should be used in conjunction... -
FPM Extent of Flooding (DWER-017)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Whole of State LiDAR Index Landgate (LGATE-351)
This dataset is an index of the availability and extent of Landgate's LiDAR repository only. LiDAR data or derivative datasets cannot be accessed or downloaded from this site...