Perth Metro LiDAR data
LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is an increasingly popular remote sensing technology that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser (typically from an aircraft) to measure... -
Perth Regional Ecological Linkages
This dataset identifies regional ecological linkages mapped to broadly represent a link between patches of remnant vegetation judged to be of regional significance in the Perth... -
FPM 1 in 100 (1%) AEP Floodplain Development Control Area (DWER-003)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Clearing Instruments Activities (Areas Approved to Clear) (DWER-076)
Clearing Instruments Activities (areas approved to be cleared under a clearing permit) for Western Australia are derived from authorisations and other instruments relating to... -
Contaminated Sites Database - Restricted (DWER-073)
The Contaminated Sites Register dataset is a spatial representation of individual sites recorded and classified by the Department of Water and Environmental (DWER) under the... -
Clearing Regulations - Schedule One Areas (DWER-057)
Areas requiring a permit for clearing resulting from low impact mineral or petroleum activities as declared in Regulation 6 in Government Gazette No. 115 Environmental... -
Fish Habitat Protection Areas (DPIRD-049)
Polygon coverage of the Fish Habitat Protection Areas in Western Australia declared under section 115 of the Fish Resource Management Act. Shapefile created from textual... -
Bush Fire Prone Areas (OBRM-001)
The Bush Fire Prone Areas (OBRM-001) dataset identifies current bush fire prone areas of Western Australia. This dataset is a copy of the most current bush fire prone area... -
FPM 1 in 100 (1%) AEP Floodway and Flood Fringe Line (DWER-015)
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation produces floodplain mapping of rivers and major watercourses and provides floodplain development advice to ensure that... -
Historical Aerial Photography Boundaries (LGATE-202)
Landgate has historical aerial imagery covering a large portion of Western Australia. Aerial imagery has been captured from 1948 to the present day. This dataset provides... -
Waterways Conservation Act Management Areas (DWER-072)
This dataset identifies the Management Areas declared under the Waterways Conservation Act 1976. Under the Waterways Conservation Act 1976, the Minister for Water and the... -
Large Scale Topo Contour (Line) (LGATE-140)
Imaginary line joining points of equal elevation relative to a datum 1m contours over the metro area and other regional towns. NOTE: Landgate no longer maintains large scale... -
RIWI Act, Rivers (DWER-036)
Areas are proclaimed under the following act - Rights in Water And Irrigation Act. Rivers classification mapping is developed to control the extraction and licensing of stream... -
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map, Pilbara Coastline (DWER-053)
Data of the risk of Potential Acid Sulfate Soil (PASS) materials being disturbed by land development activities based on the likelihood of PASS materials occurring within 3m of... -
South Coast Significant Wetlands (DBCA-018)
The former WRC SC region have developed a spreadsheet which aims to document the South Coast natural assets which come under the WRC jurisdiction. There are four main worksheets... -
Soil landscape land quality - Flood Risk (DPIRD-007)
Flood risk mapping derived from land quality attribution associated with soil-landscape mapping at the subsystem/phase level. See Resource Management Technical Report 298,... -
Carnabys Cockatoo Confirmed Breeding Areas within the Swan Coastal Plain and...
Shows the confirmed breeding areas of the Carnaby's Black Cockatoo (CBC) within the Swan Coastal Plain and the Jarrah Forest IBRA regions. Confirmed sites are identified where... -
Index Topographic Map Series 100k (LGATE-208)
Index Topographic Map Series © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of Landgate data is subject to Personal Use License terms and conditions unless... -
Wheatbelt Wetlands Stage 1 (DBCA-021)
The data contained within the Wheatbelt Wetlands dataset covers wetlands within most of the Wheatbelt region of south-west Western Australia, as well as in a small area of the... -
DBCA Burn Options Program (DBCA-007)
The DBCA Burn Options Program dataset depicts prescribed burns of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions that are planned to take place over the next...