Historical Cadastre 2023 (Polygon) (LGATE-476)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Cadastre Address (LGATE-002)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia with an added address attribute for the parent land... -
Historical Cadastre 2022 (Polygon) (LGATE-475)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a historic digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown... -
Land Tenure (LGATE-226)
SUBJECT TO STRICT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE MEASURES . This dataset contains information about the ownership and vesting of freehold and Crown land in Western Australia. This layer... -
Localities (LGATE-234)
Locality Boundaries for the State of Western Australia. Generally, Post Code boundaries coincide with the Locality boundaries. Derived from the Spatial Cadastral Database... -
Cadastre (No Attributes) (LGATE-001)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a simplified digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia. The dataset covers the State of Western Australia... -
Geodetic Survey Marks (Point) (LGATE-076)
Contains horizontal and vertical coordinates and selected attributes of Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). This dataset is complemented by LGATE-199 which... -
Townsites (LGATE-248)
This layer supersedes Townsites (LGATE-007) Townsites are the urban centres described by technical description. A townsite must be approved (by document) by the Minister for... -
Historical Cadastre 2021 (Polygon) (LGATE-337)
This cadastral polygon dataset is a digital representation of all land parcel boundaries within Western Australia at a particular point in time. It represents all crown land... -
Geographic Names (GEONOMA) (LGATE-013)
A points dataset showing the position of features of interest derived from the Official Geographic Names Gazetteer for Western Australia. It does not contain roads information.... -
Overview Towns (LGATE-054)
This dataset is derived from data stored in Landgate’s medium scale Topographic Geodatabase (TGDB). It provides a very broad view of the states population centres. License... -
State Electorates [Current] (LGATE-069)
MLA and MLC boundaries are updated every four years prior to the state elections. The current electoral dataset depicts the State Electoral Districts and Regions that were used... -
Government Property Register (Current Use) (LGATE-180)
This dataset contains government property assets for the state of Western Australia. Government property assets in this dataset are comprised of the government property land... -
State Forests (LGATE-246)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, State Forests are suitable areas set aside or reserved as State Forests and set under the control of the Commissioner for... -
State Border (LGATE-245)
This layer supersedes State Border (LGATE-194) The State Border of Western Australia, which separates WA from South Australia and the Northern Territory, and situated... -
Districts (LGATE-229)
This layer replaces Districts (LGATE-009) Originally Land Districts were described by technical description, and Proclaimed under the Land Act, and published in the Government... -
Suburban Areas (LGATE-247)
Republished with a redefined set of attributes, Suburban Areas are areas of land declared a “Suburban Area”, allocated under the Land Act 1933 with the purpose of providing... -
Ward Boundaries (LGATE-249)
This layer supersedes Ward Boundaries (LGATE-051) A digital representation of the local government Ward boundaries for the state of Western Australia. Ward boundaries are being... -
GDA94 Landgate Project Grids (LGATE-214)
The dataset defines the extents and parameters for each of the GDA94 Landgate project grids. Project grids provide a Transverse Mercator (TM) based standard for the interchange... -
Geodetic Survey Mark Reference Marks (Point) (LGATE-199)
This dataset complements LGATE-076. It contains horizontal and vertical coordinates of Reference Marks (RM) for Standard Survey Marks (SSM) and Bench Marks (BM). The attributes...