AACC Regions LGA Concordance
List of Local Government Areas (LGAs) and which AACC Region they fit into. Since the AACC Data Warehouse Regions are based on ABS Statistical Areas 2 (SA2) they DO NOT match... -
Aboriginal Settlements - Recommended Settlement Zone (DPLH-012)
Recommended boundary for identification and planning of Aboriginal settlements. -
Aboriginal Settlements - Wetlands (DPLH-018)
Areas that have a water table at or near the land surface. -
Aboriginal Settlements - Hydrographic Text (DPLH-017)
Text label used to identify generic or specific hydrographic feature e.g. creek, Turkey Creek. -
Lost Lands Region DAA 2005
The Restricted spatial data shows an indicative external extent of crown reserves as listed in the ‘Lost Lands Report’ compiled by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs (DAA),... -
Aboriginal Heritage - Protected Areas (DPLH-108)
Aboriginal heritage protected areas Protected areas are declared under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972. The Act recognises that some Aboriginal heritage is of outstanding...