Tenements - Release pending (DMIRS-030)
Depicts those areas within related current Exploration Licences due for release under Sec 65 of the Mining Act -
1:250 000 Geological Map Sheet Index (DMIRS-049)
This dataset is a 1:250 000 map sheet index for available geological maps produced by the Geological Survey of Western Australia. -
1:100 000 Geological Map Sheet Index (DMIRS-048)
This dataset is a 1:100 000 geological map sheet index for available surface geological maps and State interpreted bedrock geology produced by the Geological Survey of Western... -
Major Resources Projects
MINEDEX provides a coordinated, project-based enquiry system for textual information on mine, deposits, prospects, etc., and related infrastructure. The Major Resources Projects... -
Section 57 (4) - WA Mining Act (DMIRS-044)
Areas defined under Section 57(4) of the Mining Act 1978 as being those lands that due to the intensity of mining activity are exempt from being the subject of an Exploration... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Kalgoorlie ed2 (SH51-09)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Kalgoorlie region of... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Perth - Ledge Point (SH50-14 - SH50-13)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Perth and Ledge Point... -
Tectonics units 1:500 000 (DMIRS-037)
The 2022 update of the digital '1:500 000 tectonic units of Western Australia' has been compiled using boundaries derived from the digital '1:500 000 State interpreted bedrock... -
3D Seismic survey polygons (DMIRS-035)
This dataset is a reference system for petroleum exploration 3D seismic surveys conducted in Western Australia. NOTE: Since 1 January 2012 the offshore (commonwealth water) have... -
Medium Scale Topo Water (Polygon) (LGATE-016)
Water features that relate to the interior of the country. Multiple points that describe the feature’s perimeter. © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use... -
1:500 000 State linear structures layer (DMIRS-015)
The 1:500 000 State linear structures layer (DMIRS-015) is one of three digital data layers that make up the 1:500 000 geological map of Western Australia. The other two are the... -
Dominant soil groups - Highest probability (DPIRD-077)
Soils mapped in raster format with 90-m pixels. The soil classes are Western Australian Soil Groups. The soil type rasters were derived from the conventional soil landscape... -
Tenements - Amalgamation pending (DMIRS-031)
Pending Exploration Licence Amalgamation applications as referred to in section 67A of the Western Australian Mining Act 1978. Where an applicant is the holder of both an... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Albany (2427 I)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
2D Seismic surveys (DMIRS-034)
This dataset is a reference system for petroleum exploration 2D seismic surveys conducted in Western Australia. NOTE: Since 1 January 2012 the offshore (commonwealth water) have... -
Statewide River Water Quality Assessment (DWER-038)
Statewide River Water Quality Assessment (SRWQA) 2004 & 2008 uses water quality data collected as far back as 1998 to determine the status and trends of nine water quality... -
Soil landscape land quality - Soil Water Storage (DPIRD-041)
Soil water storage is a land quality which may impact upon a variety of agricultural land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-landscape... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Fremantle (2033 IV)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
Soil landscape land quality - Surface Salinity (current) (DPIRD-039)
Soil surface salinity is a land quality which may impact upon a variety of agricultural land uses and is based on analysis and interpretation of the best available soil-... -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Kalgoorlie (3136)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Kalgoorlie region of...