1:50,000 Geological series map - Busselton (1939 I)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
WA Petroleum Applications (DMIRS-010)
The Western Australian Petroleum Applications (WAPAPPLICATIONS) data set contains all title applications pending approval and pertinent to the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Rottnest Island (1933 I)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
Medium Scale Topo Fuzzy Water (Polygon) (LGATE-101)
The approximate extent of formally named hydrographic features that have relatively indistinct name extent. © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of... -
Emergency Management Boundaries (OEM-001)
Emergency Management Boundaries based on the Emergency Management Districts Order 2015 -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Esperance - Mondrain Island (SI51-06 - SI51-10)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Esperance - Mondrain... -
Basic raw materials 1:200 000 (DMIRS-043)
Basic raw materials 1:200 000 contains geoscientific data relating to basic raw material resources including clay, limesand, limestone, hard rock aggregate, sand and gravel. -
Harvey Water Irrigation Districts (HARWA-002)
This dataset contains the boundaries of the Harvey Water Irrigation districts. -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Dampier (2256)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Dampier region of... -
Beach photo monitoring
Dataset includes metadata and URLs of thousands of photos taken at over 90 coastal photo monitoring sites between Guilderton and Kalbarri, in Western Australia. Volunteers take... -
Regolith of WA - 1300 metre grid (DMIRS-018)
The digital 1:500 000 regolith map of Western Australia (preliminary edition) is based on published GSWA 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 series geological maps. These maps have been... -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Halls Creek (4461)
Blake, D.H., Griffin, T.J., Tyler, I.M., Thorne, A.M. and Warren, R.G., 1999 Halls Creek First Edition (1:100,000 scale geological map) Australian Geological Survey... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Marble Bar ed3 (SF50-08)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Marble Bar region of... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Pinjarra (SI50-02)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Pinjarra region of... -
Basic raw materials 1:50 000 (DMIRS-042)
Basic raw materials 1:50 000 contains geoscientific data relating to basic raw material resources including clay, limesand, limestone, hard rock aggregate, sand and gravel. The... -
1:100,000 Geological series map - Yalgoo (2241)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:100 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and fault lines, to produce a geological plan of the Yalgoo region of... -
1:50,000 Geological series map - Armadale (2033 I)
Detailed geological mapping at 1:50 000 providing information on such themes as structural geology, mines and mineral deposits, topography and cultural features, hydrogeological... -
Medium Scale Topo Water (Point) (LGATE-017)
Water features that relate to the interior of the country. A single point that describes a feature's location. © Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate). Use of... -
Gnangara Jandakot Depth to Groundwater (Contours) – 2019 Min (DWER-095)
This dataset contains minimum depth to groundwater (DTGW) values for 2019, for the Gnangara and Jandakot areas of Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia. Depth to groundwater... -
1:250,000 Geological series map - Port Hedland - Bedout Island ed3 v1.1...
Detailed geological mapping at 1:250 000 providing information on geological units, structural geology and faultlines, to produce a geological plan of the Port Hedland - Bedout...