WAMSI Node 5.1 - Western Australia marine Bioresources Library (WAMBL)
The Western Australian Museum has teamed with the Australian Institute of Marine Science, and the Western Australian Marine Science Institution, to establish a marine... -
WAMSI 2 Kimberley Marine Research Program: Project 1.1.2 Key Ecological...
Herbivory is a key ecological process that sustains food webs, and can regulate the biomass of primary producers in an ecosystem. It has long been hypothesized that rates of... -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 5.2 - Genetic variability of seagrass in...
The aims of this study for the WAMSI Dredging Science Program were: To establish fundamental knowledge on the genetic diversity of seagrass meadows; and if this varies among... -
WAMSI Node 5.4 - (PhD) Quorum quenching compounds from marine bacteria
Antibiotic resistance is of enormous concern in disease control and is one of the factors driving the search for new strategies for controlling bacterial growth. Quorum sensing... -
WAMSI Node 4.2.3 - Fisheries dependent data and climate - Continuous...
From 1990, continuous (15-minute, 30-minute or hourly) logging of water temperature was conducted at these puerulus (Panulirus cygnus) collector sites: Quobba Pt, Shark Bay... -
WAMSI Kimberley tri-colour scanner data - 19th September 2008
On the 19th of September 2008 a tricolour scanner (Airborne Research Australia/AWI Airborne Tri-spectral Scanner System) collected data from part of the Kimberley (Montgomery... -
WAMSI Node 3.2.1 - Diversity, abundance and habitat utilisation of sharks...
Elasmobranchs were tagged with acoustic tags and subsequently monitored with acoustic receivers (Vemco VR2, VR2W and VR3) moored on the seabed that constitute the Ningaloo Reef... -
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - Project 2.1.2 - Human values and aspirations for...
The aims of the project are: Describe and analyse the social values of people associated with the coastal waters of the western Kimberley, especially Indigenous community... -
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - Project 2.2.8 - Knowledge Integration and...
This record describes the WAMSI KMRP Project 2.2.8: Knowledge Integration and Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) Modelling of the Kimberley Region. The project explores the... -
WAMSI Node 3.10 - Assessment of Coastal Groundwater dynamics and linkages...
This WAMSI project was carried out between March 2008 and March 2010 project and had 5 general objectives: To characterise the western coastal geological and aquifer structure;... -
Hardy Inlet Seagrass Survey - Cover (DWER-112)
Hardy Inlet was surveyed by underwater drop camera observations in December 2018 and January 2020. Seagrass species distribution and cover (as percentage cover in categories: 0,... -
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - 1.2.6 - Evaluating the impacts of local and...
The tidal flats of the Kimberley coast support the largest populations of migratory shorebirds in Australia. Eighty Mile Beach and Roebuck Bay are the most important shorebird... -
WAMSI Node 2.1 - Dynamics and predictability of the Indo-Pacific Ocean as a...
The Predictive Ocean Atmosphere Model for Australia (POAMA) is a state-of-the-art seasonal to inter-annual seasonal forecast system based on a coupled ocean/ atmosphere model... -
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - Project 1.2.2 - Key biological indices required...
The main components of the project were: - Determine distribution, abundance, seasonality, and the duration and peak of nesting season for Kimberley sea turtles - Collect... -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - 3.1.1 - Review of Plume Characteristics
Predicting the distribution and fate for suspended sediment plumes associated with dredge operations may be achieved by advanced hydrodynamic modelling (REFS). The accuracy of... -
WAMSI Node 6.3 - Ocean Gliders - Western Australian Integrated Marine...
Australian National Ocean Glider Facility (ANFOG) has Slocum gliders (operate at max. depth of 200m and max. endurance of 30 days) and Seagliders (operate max. depth of 1000m... -
WAMSI 2 - Kimberley Node - Project 1.2.1a - Modelling the movement and...
Modeling the movement and spatial distribution of humpback whales in the Nearshore waters of the Kimberley. This project will directly address this need by collating and... -
WAMSI Node 3.4.2 - Characterisation of Geomorphology and Sedimentology of...
The overall aim of this project was to determine the geomorphological and sedimentary characteristics (biological and physical) of the Ningaloo Reef and shelf, and to identify... -
Surveys of deep water benthic communities using towed video in Ningaloo...
A total of 365 towed video transects were completed in the 2006/2007 surveys. The sampling has identified a vast array of habitats and will be used for broad scale mapping of... -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - 6.2 - Patterns of Sponge Biodiversity in the...
The objective is to synthesize published information on sponge distributions and biodiversities in North-West Australia, with an additional focus on extracting data from Western...